
1.0.7 • Public • Published


String templating as it was meant to be

This is a strongly opinionated implementation of string templating. It's basically JSX for text and solves many quirks of string interpolation and formatting.

[!WARNING] This package is included in the @synstack/synscript package. It is not recommended to install both packages at the same time.

What is it for ?

Turns this:

import { t } from "@synstack/text";

const items = ["Hello", "World"];

const text: string = await t`
    Value: ${items.join(", ")}
    Promise: ${Promise.resolve(items.join(", "))}

      Callable: ${() => items.join(", ")}
      Callable Promise: ${() => Promise.resolve(items.join(", "))}

    List of items:
      ${() => Promise.resolve(items.map((item) => `- ${item}`))}

Into this:

Value: Hello, World
Promise: Hello, World

  Callable: Hello, World
  Callable Promise: Hello, World

List of items:
  - Hello
  - World

What's baked in ?

  • Functions are called
  • Promises even nested in arrays are resolved in parallel
  • Array values are joined with a newline
  • Text is trimmed
  • Base indentation is removed
  • Nested indentation is preserved for multi-line values
  • Returned value is either a string or a promise of a string based on interpolated values


npm install @synstack/text
yarn add @synstack/text


Text formatting

  • t will automatically trim unecessary whitespaces and indentations. This allows your code to remain indented and readable while still being able to use the template.
  • t will auto-join array values with a newline.
  • t will propagate indentation to each line of the nested values.
const text: string = t`
                ${"- Item 1\n- Item 2"}

Will be transformed into:

  - Item 1
  - Item 2

Async support

  • t automatically detects if the template is async or not and handles it accordingly.
  • When t is async, it resolves all values in parralel with a Promise.all
  • If you want to force serial execution, use an await expression.
const sync: string = t`Hello ${"World"}`;
const async: Promise<string> = t`Hello ${Promise.resolve("World")}`;

Asuming retrieveUserName and retrieveUserEmail are async functions
Both queries will be resolved in parallel 
const async: Promise<string> = t`Hello ${retrieveUserName()} ${retrieveUserEmail()}`;

Callable values

  • You can use any function without argument as a template value.
  • t will call the function and then handle it's sync or async state through the async support logic.
Asuming retrieveUserName and retrieveUserEmail are async functions with no arguments
Both queries will be called and resolved in parallel 
const async: Promise<string> = t`Hello ${retrieveUserName} ${retrieveUserEmail}`;


  • Array values are resolved in parrallel with Promise.all
  • The resulting strings are joined with a newline
  • The indentation is preserved for each line
const items = [Promise.resolve("Hello"), Promise.resolve("World")];

const text: Promise<string> = t`
  This is a list of items:

console.log(await text);

Will output:

This is a list of items:

Extra objects

[!NOTE] This feature was built to seemlessly integrate inline content blocks in LLM messages. e.g. Adding images, tool responses, etc.

  • t is able to handle non-string objects as values. As long as they have a type property.
    • The value will be JSON.stringifyed and added to the template.
    • The returned value will be string & { __extra: TExtraObject }
  • The value can then be accessed through the tParse(resultingString) property.
  • You can constrain the type of the extra object by using a type assertion from Text.String
  • You can infer the value type of the extra object by using a type assertion from Text.ExtraObject.Infer
import { t, tParse, type Text } from "@pairprog/text";

// @ts-expect-error - The non-matching extra object will be rejected
const textFail: Text.String<{ type: "extra"; value: string }> =
  t`Hello ${{ type: "other-type" as const, value: "Hello" }} World`;

// string & { __extra: { type: "extra"; value: string } } is equivalent to Text.String<{ type: "extra"; value: string }>
const text: string & { __extra: { type: "extra"; value: string } } =
  t`Hello ${{ type: "extra" as const, value: "Hello" }} World`;

// Hello %STR_EXTRA%{"type":"extra","value":"Hello"}%!STR_EXTRA% World

// ["Hello ", { type: "extra", value: "Hello" }, " World"]

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npm i @synstack/text

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  • yleflour_pairprog