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Simple but exhaustive, well typed, immutable color library. Handles parsing, converting, comparing and modifying colors.


npm install @szydlovski/color
import { Color } from `@szydlovski/color`;

// use Color.from to construct a new instance
const myColor = Color.from('#e74812');

// colors can be parsed from CSS color strings
Color.from('rgb(231 72 18)');
Color.from('rgb(231 72 18 / 100%)');

// or constructed from numbers, arrays, objects or individual color components
Color.from(15157266) // equivalent to 0xe74812 in hex notation
Color.from([231, 72, 18])
Color.from(231, 72, 18)
Color.from({ r: 231, g: 72, b: 18 })

// supports a number of color spaces, defaults to rgb
Color.from([320, 56, 91], 'hsv');
Color.from(14, 29, 281, 'lch');
Color.from({ h: 270, s: 80, l: 59 });

// generate CSS color strings
myColor.toString(); // #e74812
myColor.toString('rgb'); // rgb(231,72,18)
  format: 'hsl',
  serialized: false, 
  precision: 2,
  alpha: true
}); // hsl(15.21deg 85.54% 48.82% / 1)

// extract an object with the color's components as properties
myColor.toObject(); // { r: 231, g: 72, b: 18 };
myColor.toObject('hsv'); // { h: 15.2, s: 92.2, v: 90.5 };

// extract an array of the color's components
myColor.getComponents(); // [231, 72, 18]
myColor.getComponents('hsv'); // [15.2, 92.2, 90.5]

// extract single components
myColor.getComponent('rgb', 'r'); // 231
myColor.getComponent('hsv', 'h'); // 15.2

// multiple ways to modify colors
const newColor = myColor.setComponent('rgb', 'r', 52);
assert(newColor !== myColor, 'Color instances are immutable');
myColor.toString('rgb'); // rgb(231,72,18)
newColor.toString('rgb'); // rgb(52,72,18)



Constructs a new Color instance from the provided arguments. Contains with multiple overloads:

Color.from('#c3c3c3') // any valid CSS color string
Color.from(0xc3c3c3) // any number (will be clamped to 0 ÷ 0xffffff)
Color.from({r: 195, g: 195, b: 195}) // color object
Color.from(Color.from(0xc3c3c3)) // another Color instance (creates a copy)
Color.from([195, 195, 195]) // components array, as rgb by default
Color.from([195, 195, 195, 0.1]) // components array with alpha, as rgb by default

Color.from([195, 195, 195], 'rgb') // components array, with explicit color space
Color.from([195, 195, 195, 0.1], 'rgb') // components array, with alpha, with explicit color space

Color.from(195, 195, 195) // individual components, as rgb by default
Color.from(195, 195, 195, 0.1) // individual components with alpha, as rgb by default

Color.from(195, 195, 195, 'rgb') // individual components, with explicit color space
Color.from(195, 195, 195, 0.1, 'rgb') // individual components with alpha, with explicit color space


Has the same effect as calling Color.from with a string, but will not accept other arguments.

Color.average(colors: Color[][, space: ColorSpace = 'rgb']): Color


Instance API


Returns a copy of the instance.

Color#toObject([colorSpace = 'rgb'])


Returns a CSS string representation of the color. Accepts the following options:

  • format - string - 'hex' or the name of a color space, e.g. 'hsv' or 'rgb'
  • alpha - boolean - whether or not to include alpha in the string, defaults to true if the color has an alpha value other than 1
  • serialized - boolean - whether the returned string should be in the legacy serialized format (i.e. hsl(90deg,50%,50%,0.1)) or the new standard CSS format (i.e. hsl(90deg 50% 50% / 0.1)), defaults to true
  • precision - number - number of decimal places to preserve in the color's components. If left undefined, no rounding will be performed.

A single string containing the format (e.g. 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb') can also be passed in place of an options object, in which case the method will use default alpha setting, serialized string format and perform no rounding.

Color#getComponents(colorSpace[, includeAlpha = false])

Color#getComponent(colorSpace, component)

Color#modifyComponent(colorSpace, component, value)

Color#getMutationTo(target[, colorSpace = 'hsv'])



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  • szydlovski