Talend Preset
This is a preset for @talend/scripts-core. It holds most of Talend projects tools configuration for hybrid angularJS/react webapp.
This preset allows some customisation through specific entry points. The configuration is done via talend-scripts
configuration file.
Configuration | Description |
moduleNameMapper | * jpg/jpeg/png/gif/eot/otf/webp/svg/woff/woff2 are mocked with an empty object* css/scss are mocked with an object that adds a theme prefix to the requested classname. Example: drawer will result to theme-drawer . This is used to spot the classnames that come from css modules. |
rootDir | You app root folder |
setupFilesAfterEnv | * It configures enzyme with react 16 adapter * It mocks fetch with (url, { response }) => promise that resolved response
testEnvironment | It uses jest-environment-jsdom-global
testRegex | Jest will execute all the files that ends with .test.js in your src/ folder. |
transform | It transforms js files via babel, using the same babel configuration as webpack. |
The linter is based on airbnb configuration, with some customisation. Eslint configuration