When a collection data is deleted, created, or updated, it will trigger the scripts that builds the hugo site for preview.
npm i @tanglemedia/directus-extension-whm-preview-hook
- A website account on WHM server.
- Directus ^10.x.x
- Node ^18.x.x
- Git
Follow the steps in order:
We need to create an ssh key for the server to pull a repo from bitbucket
- On the WHM server, go to List Accounts
- Search for the domain you want to add preview.
- Go to that domain's CPanel
- Using a terminal,
cd .ssh
to your domain/site account ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 256
- Enter name of the file for your ssh key. Recommended:
- Leave passphrase blank
- Once ssh key file is generate, copy contents of the public key to the bitbucket repository of the hugo site (Repository Settings > Security > Access keys).
- Enter
Directus Preview Key
as the label of the SSH Key for consistency (you can also name it whatever you like).
- On your site CPanel account, go to Security > SSH Access
- If there is a
Manage SSH Keys
button, click it - Under
Public Keys
, on the bitbucket ssh key you just created from the previous step, clickManage
- The click
Env Variables | Description |
SERVER_USER | User name of the account in the whm server. To allow creation of files and folders with the appropriate permission |
SERVER_ACCOUNT_ROOT | Path to the account directory. Do not include trailing slashes. |
DIRECTUS_PROJECT_ROOT | Path to the directus project. Do not include trailing slashes. |
PREVIEW_HUGO_SITE_BUILD_FOLDER | Name of the folder where the hugo pages are being built (e.g. directus-build) |
PREVIEW_SERVER_IDENTITY_FILE | Path to the bitbucket private ssh key in this account |
PREVIEW_SERVER_HUGO_REPO_URL | Url of the bitbucket repo of the hugo site |
PREVIEW_SERVER_HUGO_BRANCH_TO_PULL | Name of the branch to pull the repo from |
PREVIEW_SERVER_404_LOGO | Path to preview logo. This is relative to the 404.html file. Please use relative path |
PREVIEW_HUGO_CLOUDINARY_BASE_URL | Base url of the resources in cloudinary (if the resources are stored in cloudinary). Do not include trailing slashes. |
PREVIEW_HUGO_CLOUDINARY_FOLDER | Name of the folder where the site's assets are located in cloudinary |
PREVIEW_HUGO_DIRECTUS_API_URL | Base url of the directus admin portal. Do not include trailing slashes. |
PREVIEW_HUGO_DIRECTUS_ACCESS_TOKEN | Directus access token (usually the access token related to the website role) to pull the Directus data and build them into pages |
PREVIEW_HUGO_SITE_BASE_URL | Base url of the preview website. If not yet configured, please set up the preview subdomain first. Do not include trailing slashes. |
PREVIEW_BUTTON_COLLECTIONS | Comma-separated names of the collections you want the preview buttons to be installed. For this to work, the collection should have the `url` field that contains the url of the page/collections. The url field should be configured with extension-wpslug interface. If the url is not yet configured that way, install the [WP Slug Interface](https://github.com/dimitrov-adrian/directus-extension-wpslug-interface) to your Directus project and set the url field interface to this extension. |
- On your site account CPanel, go to
- Click
Create A New Domain
- Enter the desired domain. By convention, it's usually
example: preview.admin.example.org. - Enter the document root, which is the folder containing the files you want to deploy. It's usually
- Then submit
- On your dns provider (in this case, Netlify), add a new A record to the domain
- Enter the preview domain as the name
- Enter the IP address of the site account on whm XXX.XXX.XX.XX
- This steps depends on your dns provider
- On your CPanel account, go to Security > SSL/TLS Status
- Select the domain you want to run the SSL on
- Click Run AutoSSL
- When the extension first loaded, it will create a 404 HTML file in the public_html/404. Simply provide the path of the preview logo by adding the PREVIEW_SERVER_404_LOGO variable in the env file. Preview logo is usually the site logo.
- In the .htaccess file, append the following:
ErrorDocument 404 {DIRECTUS_BASE_URL}/404/404.html?base_url={PREVIEW_SITE_BASE_URL}&url_req=%{REQUEST_URI}
When the extension is first loaded, it will copy a migration script from this package to the migrations folder on Directus.
You can rerun the build on the ci/cd or disable/enable the extension in the Directus project extension page. Either way should work.
To run the migration script, run the following command in the Directus root folder:
npx directus bootstrap
By the end of the above steps, you should end up with the following folder structure. For it to work, make sure package-lock.json is not included in the hugo folder
- Preview server not being able to pull the repo from Bitbucket
- Check if the hugo/.git folder has the correct user account permission and not
- Check if the env variables are accurate
- Check if the hugo/.git folder has the correct user account permission and not