
2.3.48 • Public • Published


React-Ntive plugin compatible version of goSellSDK library for both Android and iOS that fully covers payment/authorization/card saving/card tokenization process inside your Android application. Original SDKS

Getting Started

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
    1. Install goSellSDK using npm
  3. Usage
    1. Configure Your App
    2. Configure SDK Session
    3. Transaction Modes
    4. Customer
    5. Use Tap Pay Button
    6. Use Charge Id callback
    7. Start Payment
    8. Handle SDK Result
    9. Apple Pay Setup
  4. Common Issues


To use the SDK the following requirements must be met:

  1. Visual Studio - InteliJ Idea
  2. react: 16.13.1 or newer
  3. react-native: 0.63.3 or newer
  4. iOS 11 or later
  5. XCode 12 or later


Install goSellSDK using npm

Open Terminal

Install npm packages

npm install

Install goSellSdkReactNative package

npm i @tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native@1.0.53

Install pods for iOS

cd ios
pod install
pod update

Install pods for iOS for M1

sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
arch -x86_64 pod install

M1 based Macs

You may face a compilation error when compiled using M1 based Mac devices, to solve this please follow these steps:

  1. Close the Xcode.

  2. Go to the application folder.

  3. Find the Xcode icon.

  4. Right click on Xcode icon.

  5. Choose Get info

  6. Check the option Open using Rosetta


Install for Andoid

  1. Make sure to set minimum version to 21 in gradle
  2. Add multiDexEnabled true build gradle of app in android
  3. Make sure to support JDK 8

Update library for versions above 1.0.57 to remove unused assets

  1. Make sure delete @tap_payments folders from node_modules
  2. Make sure run npm install
  3. Run gradle sync from android studio

Configure your app

Create sdkConfigurations.js file to set the configurations.

goSellSDK should be set up. To set it up, add the following lines of code inside sdkConfigurations.js in your project. Import RNGoSell from @tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native package.

import RNGoSell from '@tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native';
const {
}= RNGoSell.goSellSDKModels;

Set app credentials using your bundle / package ID and your sandbox and production keys generated by TAP Payments as the below

const appCredentials = {
    production_secrete_key: (Platform.OS == 'ios') ? 'iOS-Live-KEY' : 'Android-Live-KEY',
    language: Languages.EN,
    sandbox_secrete_key: (Platform.OS == 'ios') ? 'iOS-SANDBOX-KEY' : 'Android-SANDBOX-KEY',
    bundleID: (Platform.OS == 'ios') ? 'iOS-PACKAGE-NAME' : 'ANDROIID-PACKAGE-NAME',

Configure SDK Session Example

Transaction Currency
const transactionCurrency = 'kwd';
const shipping = [
        name: 'shipping 1',
        description: 'shiping description 1',
        amount: 100.0,
Payment Items
const paymentitems = [
        amount_per_unit: 1,
        description: 'Item 1 Apple',
        discount: {
            type: 'F',
            value: 10,
            maximum_fee: 10,
            minimum_fee: 1,
        name: 'item1',
        quantity: {
            value: 1,
        taxes: [
                name: 'tax1',
                description: 'tax describtion',
                amount: {
                    type: 'F',
                    value: 10,
                    maximum_fee: 10,
                    minimum_fee: 1,
        total_amount: 100,
const taxes = [
        name: 'tax1',
        description: 'tax describtion',
        amount: { type: 'F', value: 10.0, maximum_fee: 10.0, minimum_fee: 1.0 },
        name: 'tax1',
        description: 'tax describtion',
        amount: { type: 'F', value: 10.0, maximum_fee: 10.0, minimum_fee: 1.0 },

  • New Customer (First time to pay using goSell SDK)
const customer = {
    isdNumber: '965',
    number: '00000000',
    customerId: '',
    first_name: 'test',
    middle_name: 'test',
    last_name: 'test',
    email: 'test@test.com',

After the first transaction success, you receive the customerId in the response. Save it to be used in the next transaction.

  • Existed Customer (paid before using goSell SDK) You need to set the customerId only and you can see the customer saved cards if the user has.
const customer = {
    isdNumber: '965',
    number: '00000000',
    customerId: 'cus_smdnd3346nd3dks3jd9drd7d',
    first_name: '',
    middle_name: '',
    last_name: '',
    email: '',

Please note that goSell SDK using the customerId only if it's not Empty ('').

Payment Reference
const paymentReference = {
   track: 'track',
   payment: 'payment',
   gateway: 'gateway',
   acquirer: 'acquirer',
   transaction: 'trans_910101',
   order: 'order_262625',
   gosellID: null,
Set the final confugurations to be set to goSellSdk
const allConfigurations = {
    appCredentials: appCredentials,
    sessionParameters: {
        paymentStatementDescriptor: 'paymentStatementDescriptor',
        transactionCurrency: 'kwd',
        isUserAllowedToSaveCard: true,
        paymentType: PaymentTypes.ALL,
        amount: '100',
        shipping: shipping,
        paymentitems: paymentitems,
        paymenMetaData: { a: 'a meta', b: 'b meta' },
        applePayMerchantID: 'applePayMerchantID',
        authorizeAction: { timeInHours: 10, time: 10, type: 'CAPTURE' },
        cardHolderName: 'Card Holder NAME',
        editCardHolderName: false,
        postURL: 'https://tap.company',
        paymentDescription: 'paymentDescription',
        destinations: 'null',
        trxMode: TrxMode.PURCHASE,
        taxes: taxes,
        merchantID: '',
        SDKMode: SDKMode.Sandbox,
        customer: customer,
        isRequires3DSecure: false,
        receiptSettings: { id: null, email: false, sms: true },
        allowsToSaveSameCardMoreThanOnce: false,
        paymentReference: paymentReference,
        uiDisplayMode: UiDisplayModes.DARK,
        appearanceMode: SDKAppearanceMode.Windowed,
        supportedPaymentMethods: ['Knet'],

export default allConfigurations

Supported payments Methods

  supportedPaymentMethods: ['Knet'],

Optional when you pass this values it will be only enabled methods for payment if you not pass it or pass it as empty array you will have all available payment methods to your account

You can pass the supported payment Methods as array of string to supportedPaymentMethods key:

  • Available values

    • FAWRY
    • KNET
    • MADA
    • MEEZA
    • PAYPAL
    • POST_PAY
    • NAPS
    • STC_PAY
    • TABBY
    • VISA

    Appearance Mode

appearanceMode: SDKAppearanceMode.Fullscreen

Optional You can set the appearance mode into one of the following modes:

  • Fullscreen
    • SDKAppearanceMode.Fullscreen

    Show sheet as full screen

  • Windowed
    • SDKAppearanceMode.Windowed

    Show sheet as window.

Transaction Modes

trxMode: TransactionMode.PURCHASE

You can set the transaction mode into one of the following modes:

  • Purchase
    • TransactionMode.PURCHASE

    Normal customer charge.

  • Authorize
    • TransactionMode.AUTHORIZE_CAPTURE

    Only authorization is happening. You should specify an action after successful authorization: either capture the amount or void the charge after specific period of time.

  • Save Card
    • TransactionMode.SAVE_CARD

    Use this mode to save the card of the customer with Tap and use it later.

  • Tokenize Card
    • TransactionMode.TOKENIZE_CARD

    Use this mode if you are willing to perform the charging/authorization manually. The purpose of this mode is only to collect and tokenize card information details of your customer if you don't have PCI compliance certificate but willing to process the payment manually using our services.

Use Tap Pay Button UI

render() {
    const statusbar =
      Platform.OS == 'ios' ? (
        <StatusBar backgroundColor="blue" barStyle="light-content" />
      ) : (
          <View />
    const { statusNow } = this.state;
    return (
      <SafeAreaView style={styles.safeAreaView}>
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Header title="Plugin Example app" />
          <Text style={styles.statusText}> Status: {statusNow}</Text>
          <Text style={styles.resultText}>{this.state.result}</Text>
          <View style={styles.bottom}>
            {Platform.OS == 'ios' ?
              <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.startSDK}>
                <View style={styles.payButtonBg}>
                  <Text style={styles.payButtonText}>Start Payment</Text>
              : <Button onPress={this.startSDK} {...styles.payButtonBg} title='Start Payment' />

Use Charge Id callback

  constructor(props) {
     this.subscription = RNGoSell.goSellListener.addListener(RNGoSell.goSellSDKModels.Listener.paymentInit, (chargeId) => {
      console.log("chargeId", chargeId)

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.subscription.remove() // to clear the listener

Use apple pay cancel callback

  constructor(props) {
     this.subscription = RNGoSell.goSellListener.addListener(RNGoSell.goSellSDKModels.Listener.applePayCancelled, (result) => {
      console.log("result", result)

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.subscription.remove() // to clear the listener
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  safeAreaView: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#000',
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
  statusbar: {
    height: 20,
  payButtonBg: {
    alignItems: 'center',
    color: '#25cf1f',
    backgroundColor: '#25cf1f',
    paddingVertical: 12,
    paddingHorizontal: 25,
    borderRadius: 25,
    position: 'absolute',
    bottom: 0,
    width: '90%',
    marginLeft: '6%',
    marginRight: '10%',
  payButtonText: {
    color: '#FFF',
    fontSize: 20,
  bottom: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'flex-end',
    marginBottom: 36,
  statusText: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: 25,
  resultText: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    fontSize: 15,
    width: '90%',
    marginLeft: '6%',
    marginRight: '10%',

Start Payment

  • In your App.js import RNGoSell from '@tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native'
  • Import sdkConfigurations from './sdkConfigurations'
  • Call start payment from


  • First parameter is the sdkConfigurations dictionary
  • Second parameter is integer value to set the termination timeout in milliseconds, the sdk will terminate the session after this time expire. Set 0 if you don't want to terminate the session and keep it terminated normally clicking on cancel button by the user
  • Third parameter is the result callback, you can handle the required action on recieving the the result through this callback.
import RNGoSell from '@tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native';
import sdkConfigurations from './sdkConfigurations';
// startPayment(sdkConfigurations, terminationTimeoutInMilliseconds, this.handleResult)
// Set terminationTimeoutInMilliseconds to 0 to prevent termination the session automatically
RNGoSell.goSellSDK.startPayment(sdkConfigurations, 0, this.handleResult) 

Handle SDK Result

handleResult(error, status) {
    var myString = JSON.stringify(status);
    console.log('status is ' + status.sdk_result);
    var resultStr = String(status.sdk_result);
    switch (resultStr) {
      case 'SUCCESS':
      case 'FAILED':
      case "SDK_ERROR":
        console.log('sdk error............');
        console.log('sdk error............');
      case "NOT_IMPLEMENTED":
  handleSDKResult(result) {
    switch (result['trx_mode']) {
      case "CHARGE":

      case "AUTHORIZE":

      case "SAVE_CARD":

      case "TOKENIZE":
        Object.keys(result).map((key) => {
          console.log(`TOKENIZE \t${key}:\t\t\t${result[key]}`);

        // responseID = tapSDKResult['token'];

  printSDKResult(result) {
    if (!result) return
    Object.keys(result).map((key) => {

Apple pay setup

Follow the steps shared in the following link to setup apple pay:

Google pay setup

Requirements And SetUp

  1. Make sure, your current goSellSDK version is >= 3.16.0

  2. To use Google Pay™, first ensure your device supports GooglePay and is above api version 22

  3. Ask for Enabling googlePay as payment option from Tap team.

  4. In Manifest file of your app enable gms wallet:


You may refer to https://github.com/Tap-Payments/goSellSDK-AndroidX/tree/FT_Google_Pay_Integration#requirements_googlepay for more info

Common Issues


  1. Undefined symbol:

    1. Undefined symbol: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftWebKit
    2. Undefined symbol: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftUniformTypeIdentifiers
    3. Undefined symbol: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftCoreMIDI
    • Add $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift in Build Settings > Library Search Paths
  2. Event Config Error: <event2/event-config.h> error error-react

    1. In iOS Podfile, replace use_flipper! with use_flipper!({ 'Flipper-Folly' => '2.3.0' })
    2. Use command pod deintegrate then remove Podfile.lock
    3. Use command pod install then pod update



Package Sidebar


npm i @tap-payments/gosell-sdk-react-native

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