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2.8.0 • Public • Published


A TypeScript NodeJS client that interfaces with the Maestro Document Service

Getting Started

Run this to install the latest stable version.

npm i @teammaestro/node-document-service

Import @teammaestro/node-document-service and the client will be exported into your script from the latest build.

import { DocumentService } from 'node-document-service';



new DocumentService(apiKey: string, options?: { host?: string, logging?: boolean | Function })


  • apiKey (string) - This is the API Key from your document managment service account
  • options.host (string | optional | default: https://dms.meetmaestro.com) - The domain that DMS is located at
  • options.logging (boolean or Function | optional ) - Use this to turn on logging or pass in your custom logger.

Request Example:

new DocumentService(apiKey: '123', {
    host: 'https://dev-dms.meetmaestro.com',
    logging: console.log


Whenever the API makes a call and runs into a catch block, you will get an error block that looks consistently like this:

Name Type Description
error Error The exception that was thrown
status number The HTTP Status Code
message string The HTTP error message (some are custom mapped)
duration number How long the response took in miliseconds

Response Example:

    error: Error
    status: 500,
    message: 'Internal Server Error',
    duration: 300

getPreSignedData({ filename: string, acl: string, expiration: number }) GET /api/v1/pre-sign

This endpoint is used for creating policies in order to upload content to your S3 bucket Note: You must send the payload to S3 in the order that we send them back.

You can append anything you want to the key property (including the file extension).

You can also update the Content-Type to the real mime-type.


Name Type Required Description
filename string False (default: UUID) Set this if you want to name the file.
acl string False (default: private) This is the permissions for the file. Options are `private
expiration number False (default: 1800) This is expiration time for the signature in seconds

Request Example:

    acl: 'public',
    filename: 'test.pdf',
    expiration: 120

Response Example:

    "url": "https://new-media-test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com",
    "key": "a8231d87-c327-4cfc-a225-d1567de732ce",
    "Content-Type": "binary/octet-stream",
    "acl": "public-read",
    "policy": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAxNy0wMi0xM1QwN...",
    "signature": "mmgVVFG6swkWvm3AmWZ9FB71R8s=",
    "expiration": "2017-04-06T14:49:16.267Z"

getSignedUrl(url: string, expiration: number) GET /api/v1/sign

This endpoint is used for signing your S3 private content


Name Type Required Description
url string True The url of the private S3 content you want to view
expiration number False (default: 1800) This is expiration time for the signature in seconds

Request Example:

dms.getSignedUrl('https://new-media-test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/test.pdf', 2000)

Response Example:

  "url": "https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/73aff5ee-a986-4af...",
  "expiration": "2017-04-06T14:49:16.267Z"

register(options: DocumentServiceOptions.RegistrationData) [POST /api/v1/content] (https://dev-dms.meetmaestro.com/docs/development/index.html#api-Content-Registration)

This endpoint is used to register your content with the document service.


Name Type Required Description
options.title string True The title of the content
options.path string True The location of the content in S3
options.fileFormat MediaType True The format of the file
options.convertFormat boolean False The format to convert the file to
options.shouldGenerateThumbnail boolean False If a thumbnail should be generated

Request Example:

    title: 'Training Intro',
    path: 'https://new-media-test-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/test.pdf',
    fileFormat: 'PDF',
    shouldGenerateThumbnail: true

Response Example:

  "identity": "ad9991a8-ab82-4521-befe-a8f2f956ce12"

view(options: DocumentServiceOptions.ViewOptions) [GET /api/v1/content/:identity/view] (https://dev-dms.meetmaestro.com/docs/development/index.html#api-Content-View)

This endpoint is used for generating the information you need to view the content

The payload will be a little dynamic based on the content type


Name Type Required Description
options.identity string True The identity that DMS will use for callbacks
options.registrationId string False The registrationId of the course in scorm engine

Request Example:

    identity: 'ad9991a8-ab82-4521-befe-a8f2f956ce12'

Response Example:

  "url": "https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/73aff5ee-a986-4af...",
  "expiration": "2017-04-06T14:49:16.267Z",
  "downloadUrl": "https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/73aff5ee-a986-4af...",
  "fileFormat": "docx",
  "convertedContent": {
    "url": "https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/73aff5ee-a986-4af...",
    "expiration": "2017-04-06T14:49:16.267Z",
    "downloadUrl": "https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/73aff5ee-a986-4af...",
    "fileFormat": "pdf",


John Pinkster
John Pinkster




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