NOTE: When we build techdocs-cli
it copies the output techdocs-cli-embedded-app
bundle into the packages/techdocs-cli/dist
which is then published with the
npm package.
# From the root of this repository run
# NOTE: This will build the techdocs-cli-embedded-app and copy the output into the cli dist directory
yarn workspace @techdocs/cli build
# Now execute the binary
# ... or as a shell alias in ~/.zshrc or ~/.zprofile or ~/.bashrc or similar
export PATH=/path/to/backstage/packages/techdocs-cli/bin:$PATH
If you want to test live test changes to the packages/techdocs-cli-embedded-app
you can serve the app and run the CLI using the following commands:
# Open a shell to the techdocs-cli-embedded-app directory
cd packages/techdocs-cli-embedded-app
# Run the techdocs-cli-embedded-app using dev mode
yarn start
# In another shell use the techdocs-cli from the root of this repo
yarn techdocs-cli:dev [...options]
# Prior to executing the techdocs-cli command
For the purpose of local development, we have created an example documentation project. You are of course also free to create your own local test site - all it takes is a docs/
and an mkdocs.yml
in a directory.
cd packages/techdocs-cli/src/example-docs
# To get a view of your docs in Backstage, use:
techdocs-cli serve
# To view the raw mkdocs site (without Backstage), use:
techdocs-cli serve:mkdocs
Running unit tests requires mkdocs to be installed locally:
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-techdocs-core
Then run yarn test