A type-safe TypeScript client for working with device data in the Texture platform. This package provides strongly-typed interfaces and utilities for querying and validating device information, manufacturers, and device models.
- Type-safe API for querying device data
- Comprehensive TypeScript definitions for all device-related entities
- Built-in validation for device data structures
- Utilities for working with manufacturers and device models
- Full TypeScript support
npm install @texturehq/device
# or
yarn add @texturehq/device
import { getManufacturers, getManufacturer, Manufacturer } from "@texturehq/device";
// Get all manufacturers
const listManufacturers = async () => {
const response = await getManufacturers();
const manufacturers: Manufacturer[] = response.manufacturers;
// Work with strongly-typed manufacturer data
manufacturers.forEach(manufacturer => {
console.log(manufacturer.name, manufacturer.slug);
// Get a specific manufacturer
const getSpecificManufacturer = async () => {
const manufacturer = await getManufacturer({ slug: "bmw" });
console.log(manufacturer.name, manufacturer.supportedRegions);
import { getDeviceModels, getDeviceModel, DeviceModel } from "@texturehq/device";
// Get all device models
const listDeviceModels = async () => {
const response = await getDeviceModels();
const models: DeviceModel[] = response.deviceModels;
// Access strongly-typed model information
models.forEach(model => {
console.log(model.name, model.manufacturer, model.capabilities);
// Get a specific device model
const getSpecificModel = async () => {
const model = await getDeviceModel({ slug: "i4-edrive40" });
console.log(model.name, model.specifications);
The package exports several TypeScript interfaces for working with device data:
- Represents a device manufacturer -
- Represents a specific model from a manufacturer -
- Represents an individual device instance -
- Describes what a device can do -
- Represents supported geographical regions
- Response structure for manufacturer queries -
- Response structure for device model queries
All API methods can throw the following errors:
import { DeviceError } from "@texturehq/device";
try {
const manufacturer = await getManufacturer({ slug: "invalid-slug" });
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DeviceError) {
// Handle device-specific errors
console.error(error.message, error.code);
} else {
// Handle other errors
console.error("Unexpected error", error);
For more details on using this package and integrating with Texture's device ecosystem, consult our documentation or contact us.