TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.4.0 • Public • Published


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This package contains the official TypeScript definitions and Zod schemas for all Texture webhook events. It's designed to help you build type-safe integrations with Texture's webhook system.


  • Type definitions and Zod schemas for all Texture webhook events
  • Version-controlled event schemas with access to all historical versions
  • Runtime validation using Zod
  • Full TypeScript support

Available Events

The following webhook events are supported:

Device Events

  • device.connected - Emitted when a device connects to Texture
  • device.disconnected - Emitted when a device disconnects
  • device.discovered - Emitted when a new device is discovered
  • device.updated - Emitted when device properties are updated

Command Events

  • command.succeeded - Emitted when a device command completes successfully
  • command.failed - Emitted when a device command fails

Customer Events

  • customer.created - Emitted when a new customer is created
  • customer.updated - Emitted when customer information is updated
  • customer.deleted - Emitted when a customer is deleted

Site Events

  • site.created - Emitted when a new site is created
  • site.updated - Emitted when site information is updated
  • site.deleted - Emitted when a site is deleted

Enrollment Events

  • enrollment.submitted - Emitted when a new enrollment is submitted
  • enrollment.approved - Emitted when an enrollment is approved
  • enrollment.rejected - Emitted when an enrollment is rejected


npm install @texturehq/events
# or
yarn add @texturehq/events


Latest Version

Each event type has a named export that always points to its latest version. This is the recommended way to use the package:

import { DeviceConnectedEventSchema, DeviceConnectedEvent } from "@texturehq/events";

// Example webhook handler
const handleWebhook = (event: unknown) => {
  try {
    // Validate and type the event using latest version
    const parsedEvent = DeviceConnectedEventSchema.parse(event);
    // TypeScript knows this is a DeviceConnectedEvent
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle validation error
    console.error("Invalid event format", error);

Version-Specific Usage

All event schemas are versioned, and you can access any specific version directly. This is useful if you need to maintain compatibility with older event versions:

import {
  DeviceConnectedEventSchema_1_0_0,  // Specific version
  DeviceConnectedEvent_1_0_0         // Type for specific version
} from "@texturehq/events";

// Use a specific version of the schema
const handleLegacyWebhook = (event: unknown) => {
  const parsedEvent = DeviceConnectedEventSchema_1_0_0.parse(event);
  // TypeScript knows this is specifically a DeviceConnectedEvent_1_0_0

When we make changes to an event schema, we:

  1. Create a new versioned schema (e.g., DeviceConnectedEventSchema_1_1_0)
  2. Update the main export (DeviceConnectedEventSchema) to point to the latest version
  3. Maintain all previous versions for backwards compatibility

Event Structure

All events follow a consistent structure:

  type: string;      // The event type (e.g., "device.connected")
  version: string;   // The schema version (e.g., "1.0.0")
  data: {           // Event-specific payload
    // ... event specific fields

For more details on these events and webhook integration, consult our docs or contact us.






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npm i @texturehq/events

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  • texture-sam
  • wlaeri
  • victorquinn
  • rcasto