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0.1.2 • Public • Published


Base browser implementation for Eclipse Theia / Eclipse Che testers. Browser objects are responsible for Selenium WebDriver creation, loading locators and attaching to workspace. Currently two versions are primarily used @theia-extension-tester/che-browser and @theia-extension-tester/theia-browser.


Install via npm

npm install @theia-extension-tester/base-browser

Install via yarn

yarn add @theia-extension-tester/base-browser

This example demonstrates how to create base browser. However base browser is in the most cases used as super class instead. It is recommended to use specific browser implementations instead such as Eclipse Che browser or Eclipse Theia browser.

import { BaseBrowser, BrowserOptions, ITimeouts } from "@theia-extension-tester/base-browser";
import { logging } from 'extension-tester-page-objects';

// It is recommended to use more specific browser mentioned above.
const browser = BaseBrowser("chrome"), {
    // Optional path to browser binary. 
    // If not specified PATH variable is used.
    browserLocation: "/path/to/browser",
    // Clean session after window is closed.
    cleanSession: true,
    // Optional path to Selenium WebDriver binary.
    // If not specified PATH variable is used.
    driverLocation: "/path/to/webdriver",
    // Selenium WebDriver log level.
    logLevel: logging.Level.INFO,
    // Timeouts used when testing.
    timeouts: {
        // Timeout after browser is attached to Eclipse Theia editor.
        implicit: 30000,
        // Timeout before browser is attached to the editor.
        pageLoad: 120000

Then it is possible to start new session with:

await browser.start();

Optionally wait for workbench. Please note the function waits for workbench. In Eclipse Che instances it will not work on its own. In this case please refer to OpenShift authenticator.

await browser.waitForWorkbench(myTimeout);

And to properly destroy running session use:

await browser.quit();

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  • mlorinc