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React Async Render on server side using react-async-render

Resolve React async rendering issue on server side, using Redux store.

npm install react-async-render --save

1. What's the problem with React server side rendering?

Simply from the synchronous nature of ReactDOMServer API definition, we know the server side rendering could not be done well if your React application needs to load data asynchronously. That means if you render React application on server side, you are only able to get HTML layout and static contents.

2. How does react-async-render resolve this problem?

In theory, to achieve async server side rendering with React, it needs to:

  • register every async request that is defined in every React Component's constructor and/or componentWillMount methods that are invoked before the very first-time render happens.
  • get the DOM string when all these registered requests are fulfilled.

To fill these requriments, react-async-render provides

  • a mixin method - asyncInit - to allow React Components to register async actions for initialization.
  • a method - renderToString - to render any React Component and return a promise of DOM string.

With leveraging Redux store, react-async-render resolves this problem by rendering the React Component twice.

  • During the first-time render, Components use asyncInit method to register async actions, and submit initial data when the actions are done. The initial data of Components will be stored in the Redux store, and the Redux store will be re-used in the second-time render.
  • When all async actions are done, all the initial data are set in Redux store, the second-time render occurs. The initial data in Redux store could be assigned to Components' props attribute, so those Components could use the props data to render.

Note: react-async-render depends on React v0.14

3. How to use react-async-render?

3.1 On React Application side

Include the react-async-render in React Component which needs load data asynchronously

var AsyncRender = require('react-async-render');

Merge the mixin to Component, and set up context for the mixin method

var reactMixin = require('react-mixin');
//... require other libraries
class MyComponent extends React.Component{
  constructor(props, context){
    super(props, context);
    //... other codes
  // ... other methods

MyComponent.contextTypes = {

reactMixin(MyComponent.prototype, AsyncRender.mixin);

Then register async actions in Component's consturctor method, or componentWillMount method

constructor(props, context){
  super(props, context);
  // ... other codes
  this.state = {
    myData: this.props.data
      asyncAction(function(err, response){
        var initialData = {myData: response};
        // use callback `done` method to submit initial data.
        // this.setState(initialData) will be invoked after submitting
        done(err, initialData);
    'MyCompInitKey', //any string identifier, serves as key in Redux store
    false // set it to true to avoid setState method. In most cases, use default false value

Assign initial data from Redux store to Component's props.

var {connect} = require('react-redux');

// ... MyComponent class

function mapStateToProps(state){
  //`initialize` is the reserved namespace in Redux store for `react-async-render`
  var initStore = state.initialize || {};
  return {
    data: initStore.MyCompInitKey && initStore.MyCompInitKey.myData

module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent);

3.2 On Node.js server side

Using renderToString method to render any React Component

var AsyncRender = require('react-async-render');
var app = (
    <MyComponent />
    <MyOtherComponent />
  //send html to client

3.3 Example

Below are complete code examples about how to use react-async-render in React Components and Express.js server. It will build an AuthorPage Component, which has AuthorDetail (No code provided. It has similar code structure to ArticleList) and Author's ArticleList.

ArticleList.react.js (read the comments)

    // ArticleList.react.js
    var React = require('react');
    var AsyncRender = require('react-async-render'); // require this module
    var request = require('request');
    var ArticleItem = require('./ArticleItem.react');
    var reactMixin = require('react-mixin');
    var {connect} = require('react-redux');

    class ArticleList extends React.Component {
      constructor(props, context){ //context argument is REQUIRED
        super(props, context);
        this.state = {
          //this.props.initData will be set from its parent Component
          data: this.props.initData
              // fetch the articles asyncly
                method: 'GET',
                uri: this.props.url,
                json: true,
              }, function(err, response, body){
                var initialData = {data: body};
                //set the second argument as initial data in Redux store
                done(err, initialData);
            this.props.initKey // REQUIRED. Used for initial data in Redux store

      render() {
        var data = this.state.data || [];
        var items = data.map(function(item){
          return (
            <li className="articleItem" key={item.nid}><ArticleItem data={item} /></li>
        return (

    reactMixin(ArticleList.prototype, AsyncRender.mixin); //REQUIRED. mixin this.asyncInit method

    ArticleList.contextTypes = {
      ...AsyncRender.contextTypes //contextTypes is REQUIRED
    module.exports = ArticleList;

Load init data from Redux store, and set to data props of ArticleList. AuthorPage.react.js (read the comments)

    // AuthorPage.react.js
    var React = require('react');
    var AuthorDetail = require('./AuthorDetail.react'); //Just another React Component
    var ArticleList  = require('./ArticleList.react');
    var {connect} = require('react-redux');

    class AuthorPage extends React.Component{
      constructor(props, context){
        super(props, context);

      render() {
        var authorArticlesUrl = `/api/author/${this.props.params.authorId}/articles`;
        return (
              initKey={"Author"} //REQUIRED
              initData={this.props.authorData} />
              initKey={"AuthorArticles"} //REQUIRED

    function mapStateToProps(state) {
      var idata = state.initialize || {}; //`initialize` is the reserved namespace in Redux store for server rendering
      return {
        authorData: idata.Author && idata.Author.data, // `Author` match to the initKey set above
        articleListData: idata.AuthorArticles && idata.AuthorArticles.data // `AuthorArticles` match to the initKey set above

    module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AuthorPage);

Setting up Express server in server.js (read the comments)

  // ... var express = require('express');
  // ... var app = express();
  // ... other code set up express server
  var {RoutingContext, match} = require('react-router');
  var routes = require('../shared/routes'); //React-router route config js
  var appReducer = require('../shared/reducers'); //if app uses Redux as well
  var AsyncRender = require('react-async-render');
  var {createLocation} = require('history');

  //Typical usage with react-router for server side rendering
  app.use('/', function(req, res){
    var location = createLocation(req.url);
    match({ routes, location }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
      if (redirectLocation){
        res.redirect(301, redirectLocation.pathname + redirectLocation.search);
      else if (error){
        res.send(500, error.message);
      else if (renderProps == null){
        res.send(404, 'Not found');
        render(renderProps, res);

  function render(renderProps, res){
    var app = ( <RoutingContext {...renderProps} /> ); //Can be any React Component

    AsyncRender.renderToString(app, appReducer)
        return res.render('react_index.dust', {html: html});
      }, function(err){
        //err handling

4. Known issue

When use react-async-render to generate the HTML page on server side, the browser will flicker once after loading the HTML page. The reason is that React found the HTML generated server side is different than expected, so it re-renders.

Error codes shown on Developer console like below:

Warning: React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid.
This generally means that you are using server rendering and the markup generated on the server was not what the client was expecting.
React injected new markup to compensate which works but you have lost many of the benefits of server rendering. Instead, figure out why the markup being generated is different on the client or server

In 0.0.2, this issue could be fixed with minor changes on both server and client side.

On the server side

var AsyncRender = require('react-async-render');
var appReducer = require('../shared/reducers'); //if app uses Redux as well
var {RoutingContext, match} = require('react-router');

//... other codes
function renderAsync(req, res, renderProps){
  var app = (
    <RoutingContext {...renderProps} />
  AsyncRender.render(app, appReducer).then(function({html, script}){
    return res.render('react_index.dust', {html, script});

On the client side

var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var {Router} = require('react-router');
var routes = require('./routes');
var appReducer = require('../shared/reducers');
var {AsyncProvider, createStore} = require('react-async-render');

//window.__INITIAL_STATE__ is injected into HTML when it serves to client
var store = createStore(appReducer, window.__INITIAL_STATE__);
  <AsyncProvider store={store}>
    <Router routes={routes} />
), document.getElementById('contents'));

Another solution?

See react-isomorphic-starterkit, which uses react-transmit.

Seemingly this solution has to create one container for every React Component so that it can use its own way to control the rendering.

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  • thg303