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1.1.6 • Public • Published


VueJS Component for drawing on canvas.

This component allows you to draw several shapes, change the stroke color, erase, clear, use a background image (and handle its crossorigin), and more... All props below in the dedicated section.

Support for both Vue 3 and Vue 2 + Composition API

Forked from razztyfication/vue-drawing-canvas package.


Vue 3

Vue 3 Draw Canvas Demo

Vue 2

Deployed on a nuxt container which have access to terminal


Note: If you're using nuxt.js and receive error Object(...) is not a function please refer to this issue

Table of Contents


Install using package manager:

npm install --save-dev @thomas.fortin/vue-draw-canvas

# or with Vue 2

npm install --save-dev @thomas.fortin/vue-draw-canvas @vue/composition-api

Then add it to your component files

<!-- MyComponent.vue -->

  <vue-draw-canvas ref="VueCanvasDraw" />

  import VueDrawCanvas from "@thomas.fortin/vue-draw-canvas";

  export default {
    name: "MyComponent",
    components: {



Name Type Default Value Description
canvasId String VueDrawCanvas Specifies your canvas id.
width String, Number 600 Specifies canvas width.
height String, Number 400 Specifies canvas height.
image String Your v-model to get canvas output to a base64 image.
strokeType String "dash" Specifies stroke type to draw on canvas. Accepted values: "dash", "line", "circle", "rectangle", "triangle", "half_triangle".
fillShape Boolean false Specifies if the shape must be filled with the current fill style.
eraser Boolean false Props to change state from drawing to erasing.
color String "#000000" Specifies the color, gradient, or pattern to use for the strokes.
lineWidth Number 5 Sets the thickness of line.
lineCap String "round" Determines the shape used to draw the end points of line. Accepted values: "round", "square", "butt". Refer to this site for more information.
lineJoin String "miter" determines the shape used to join two line segments where they meet. Accepted values: "round", "miter", "bevel". Refer to this site for more information.
lock Boolean false Lock canvas for drawing.
backgroundColor String "#FFFFFF" Set background color on your canvas.
backgroundImage String Set background image on your canvas. Be carefull for performance issue when using this props !!
backgroundImageCors String Set the crossorigin attribute of the background image. Accepted values: "anonymous", "user-credentials". Refer to this site for more information.
initialImage Array [] Draw strokes and shapes from canvas you've worked before, Demo.
additionalImages Array [] Accept Array of watermark Object to draw either text or insert multiple image on canvas. Be carefull for performance issue when using this props !!
classes Array, String, Object Specifies your own classes to canvas.
styles Array, String, Object Specifies your own styles to canvas.
watermark Object Put watermark text/image on your image output (see details in the next section below).
saveAs String "png" Specifies output type. This props accept either "png" or "jpeg".
outputWidth Number this.width Specifies image output width, if undefined then canvas width will be used.
outputHeight Number this.height Specifies image output height, if undefined then canvas height will be used.

Watermark Object

  // Specifies your watermark type. Type can be either "Text" or "Image"
  // type: String
  // required: true
  // validator: (value) => { return ["Text", "Image"].includes(value) }
  type: "Text",
  // Specifies your watermark source
  // If type is "Text" enter your watermark text here
  // if type if "Image" enter your uploaded file createObjectURL(event.target.files[0]) Work best with .png file
  // type: String
  // required: true
  source: "Watermark",
  // The x-axis coordinate of the point at which to begin drawing the watermark,
  // in pixels
  // type: Number
  // required: true
  x: 200,
  // The y-axis coordinate of the point at which to begin drawing the watermark,
  // in pixels
  // type: Number
  // required: true
  y: 180,
  // Specifies width and height for your watermark image
  // type: Object
  // required: false
  imageStyle: {
    // The width to draw the image in the canvas
    // type: Number
    // required: false
    // default: () => this.width
    width: 600,
    // The height to draw the image in the canvas
    // type: Number
    // required: false
    // default: () => this.height
    height: 400
  // Specifies text style for your watermark
  // type: Object
  // required: false
  fontStyle: {
    // The maximum number of pixels wide the text may be once rendered.
    // If not specified, there is no limit to the width of the text.
    // type: Number
    // required: false
    width: 200,
    // Sets the height of text in pixels. Usually this value has same value with font
    // type: Number
    // required: false
    // default: () => 20
    lineHeight: 48,
    // Specifies the color, gradient, or pattern to use for the text
    // type: String
    // required: false
    // default: () => '#000000'
    color: '#FF0000',
    // Specifies the current text style to use when drawing text.
    // font: '{fontWeight} {fontSize} {fontFamily}'
    // type: String
    // required: false
    // default: () => '20px serif'
    font: 'bold 48px serif',
    // Specifies drawing type to use when drawing text.
    // type: String
    // required: false
    // validator: (value) => { return ["fill", "stroke"].includes(value) }
    // default: () => 'fill'
    drawType: 'fill',
    // Specifies the current text alignment used when drawing text
    // The alignment is relative to the x value
    // type: String
    // required: false
    // validator: (value) => { return ["left", "right", "center", "start", "end"].includes(value) }
    // default: () => 'start'
    textAlign: 'left',
    // Specifies the current text baseline used when drawing text
    // type: String
    // required: false
    // validator: (value) => { return ["top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom"].includes(value) }
    // default: () => 'alphabetic'
    textBaseline: 'top',
    // The rotation angle, clockwise in radians
    // type: Number
    // required: false
    rotate: 45


Method Name Return Value Description
getCoordinates(event) { x: 0, y: 0 } Get x-axis and y-axis coordinates from current canvas
reset() Reset current canvas to new state
undo() Remove last drawing stroke on current canvas
redo() Re-draw last removed stroke on current canvas
redraw() Redraw all strokes on current canvas
isEmpty() true or false Get current canvas empty state
getAllStrokes() Array of strokes and shapes Get all strokes and shapes from canvas


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  • t.fortin