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2.0.0-alpha.1 • Public • Published

Takeout - Docker-based dependency management

Docker-based development-only dependency management.

oclif Version Downloads/week License

NOTE: This branch is for the Node port. We've never written Node CLI apps. It's gonna take a while.

Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies.

It's meant to be paired with a tool like Laravel Valet. It's currently compatible with macOS, Linux, and WSL2.

With takeout enable mysql you're running MySQL, and never have to worry about managing or fixing Homebrew MySQL again.

But you can also easily enable ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Mongo, Redis, and more, with a simple command. See the full list here: TODO


  • macOS, Linux, or WSL2
  • Node installed or whatever
  • Docker installed (macOS: Docker for Mac)


Run takeout and then a command name from anywhere in your terminal.

One of Takeout's primary benefits is that it boots ("enables") or deletes ("disables") Docker containers for your various dependencies quickly and easily.

Because Docker offers persistent volume storage, deleting a container (which we call "disabling" it) doesn't actually delete its data. That means you can enable and disable services with reckless abandon.

$ npm install -g @tighten/takeout
$ takeout COMMAND
running command...
$ takeout (-v|--version|version)
@tighten/takeout/2.0.0-alpha.1 darwin-x64 node-v11.6.0
$ takeout --help [COMMAND]
  $ takeout COMMAND


takeout help [COMMAND]

display help for takeout

  $ takeout help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

takeout list

List the Takeout-enabled containers.

  $ takeout list

  -h, --help  Show CLI help
  -j, --json  Return as JSON

See code: src/commands/list.ts

takeout start [CONTAINER]

Start a stopped container.

  $ takeout start [CONTAINER]

  -h, --help  show CLI help

See code: src/commands/start.ts

Goal docs (from original PHP) that don't work yet

Enable a service

Show a list of all services you can enable.

takeout enable

Enable specific services

Passed the short name of one or more services, enable them.

takeout enable mysql

takeout enable redis meilisearch

Enable services with default parameters

If you want to skip over being asked for each parameter and just accept the defaults. This also works with multiple services in one command.

takeout enable mysql --default

takeout enable redis meilisearch --default

Disable a service

Show a list of all enabled services you can disable.

takeout disable

Disable specific services

Passed the short name of one or more services, disable the enabled services that match them most closely.

takeout disable mysql

takeout disable redis meilisearch

Disable all services

takeout disable --all

Start a stopped container

Show a list of all stopped containers you can start.

takeout start

Start a specific stopped container

Passed the container ID of stopped container, start the stopped container which matches it.

takeout start {container_id}

Stop a running container

Show a list of all running containers you can stop.

takeout stop

Stop a specific running container

Passed the container ID of running container, stop the running container which matches it.

takeout stop {container_id}

Running multiple versions of a dependency

Another of Takeout's benefits is that it allows you to have multiple versions of a dependency installed and running at the same time. That means, for example, that you can run both MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 at the same time, on different ports.

Run takeout enable mysql twice; the first time, you'll want to choose the default port (3306) and the first version (5.7), and the second time, you'll want to choose a second port (3307), the second version (8.0) and a different volume name (so that they don't share the same mysql_data).

Now, if you run takeout list, you'll see both services running at the same time.

| CONTAINER ID | NAMES          | STATUS        | PORTS                             |
| 4bf3379ab2f5 | TO--mysql--5.7 | Up 2 seconds  | 33060/tcp,>3306/tcp |
| 983acf46ceef | TO--mysql--8.0 | Up 35 seconds | 33060/tcp,>3306/tcp |

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  • mattstauffer
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