TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.0.26-alpha.2Β β€’Β PublicΒ β€’Β Published

TIND Universal Viewer

TIND Universal Viewer is a fork of Universal Viewer. It contains the following changes:

  • Removes bundled jQuery by changing all occurrences of require("jquery") with window.$.
  • Removes GitHub Workflows.


Publishing is done manually. Here is how.

  1. Make sure you are on the latest develop branch

    git checkout develop
    git fetch
    git reset --hard origin/develop
  2. Bump the version. Note: this creates and tags a commit which should be pushed.

    npm version prerelease --preid=alpha
    git push origin develop
  3. Install NPM dependencies

    npm ci
  4. Build the assets

    npm run build && npm run build-tsc && npm run build-es
  5. Publish

    export NPM_TOKEN=<your token here>
    npm publish --access public --otp <2fa one time code here>

Universal Viewer

A community-developed open source project on a mission
to help you share your πŸ“šπŸ“œπŸ“°πŸ“½οΈπŸ“»πŸ—Ώ with the 🌎

Sponsors on Open Collective License

# slackΒ Β Β Β  @ X

npm install universalviewer --save

Please note that UV v4 is designed to work on evergreen browsers. If you need IE11 support, please use UV v3. Microsoft no longer supports IE11, and it reached end-of-life on June 15 2022.

🌐 Website

πŸ“– Getting Started

See the examples for how to use the UV in various scenarios.

Read the technical docs to learn more about the code and available configuration options.

πŸ’» Contributing

Read below to learn how to take part in improving the UV:


πŸ… Sponsors

Become a sponsor and join our Steering Group to help guide how our sponsorship funds are allocated.

πŸ“– License

The Universal Viewer is released under the MIT license.

πŸ“– Accessibility Statement

Read our Accessibility Statement

πŸ“£ Feedback

Read below how to engage with the UV community:

  • Join the discussion on Slack.
  • Ask a question, request a new feature and file a bug with GitHub issues.
  • Star the repository to show your support ⭐

Package Sidebar


npm i @tindtechnologies/universalviewer

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19 MB

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  • tindrunner
  • thms-rmb
  • audub