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ToolImagemin Documentation

ToolImagemin, is a component of the ToolX library designed for efficient image optimization. This class handles a variety of image formats and employs several optimization strategies to compress images effectively. By providing various options, it allows users to fine-tune the optimization process to their needs.

::: tip ToolImagemin supports both lossless and lossy compression methods and offers detailed configuration options for different formats including PNG, JPEG, and others. :::

Quick Start

You can quickly start optimizing images using ToolImagemin via the npx command. This tool is convenient as it does not require a global installation and can be run directly with the following command:

npx @toolx/imagemin your/input/path/filename.ext

This command will process the input image located at your/input/path/filename.ext and replace it with the optimized version.

Specifying Output Path

If you want to save the optimized image to a specific output path without replacing the original, you can use a second parameter to set the desired output directory:

npx @toolx/imagemin your/input/path/filename.ext your/output/path/

With this command, the filename.ext will be processed and the optimized image will be saved in your/output/path/ directory.

Using Options

ToolX ImageMin also supports various options that can be passed to customize the optimization process. For instance, you can set the compression level with the --compression option:

npx @toolx/imagemin your/input/path/filename.ext --compression 9

In this example, the compression level is set to 9, which enables a higher level of compression.

::: tip You can combine the output path specification with options to fully customize the behavior of ToolX ImageMin according to your needs. :::


The ToolImagemin accepts an object of ToolOptions to configure the optimization process. Below is a description of these options.

General Options

  • lossless (boolean): Choose between lossless or lossy compression methods.
  • compression (number, 0-10): Determine the compression; 10 means high compression.
  • colors (number, 1-255): Set the number of colors in the image, applies only to PNG format and only in a lossy manner.

::: warning Pay attention, the active lossless parameter refers to configurations that support lossless; if not active, they will be lossy instead. The quality parameter is an abstraction applicable to all compression libraries; however, for greater control, use the original options of each library. :::

Format-Specific Options


OptiPNGOptions (lossless) is a configuration object used by ToolImagemin to set options for optimizing PNG images with the optipng tool. The following are the properties you can configure, with their explanations and examples:


  • o, optimization: Optimization level (0-7).
  • fix: Enable error recovery.
  • preserve: Preserve file attributes if possible.
  • filters: PNG delta filters (0-5).
  • interlaceType: PNG interlace type (0-1).
  • zlibCompressionLevels: Zlib compression levels (1-9).
  • zlibMemoryLevels: Zlib memory levels (1-9).
  • zlibCompressionStrategies: Zlib compression strategies (0-3).
  • zlibWindowSize: Zlib window size (256,512,1k,2k,4k,8k,16k,32k).
  • fullReport: Produce a full report on IDAT.
  • noBitDepthReduction: No bit depth reduction.
  • noColorTypeReduction: No color type reduction.
  • noPaletteReduction: No palette reduction.
  • noReductions: No reductions.
  • noIDATRecoding: No IDAT recoding.
  • snip: Cut one image out of multi-image or animation files.
  • strip: Strip metadata objects (e.g., "all").

Usage Example

const run = new ToolImagemin({
    pngquant: {
        optimization:  7,
        fix:  true,
        preserve:  true,
        filters:  3,
        interlaceType:  2,
        zlibCompressionLevels:  9,
        zlibMemoryLevels:  3,
        zlibCompressionStrategies:  3,
        zlibWindowSize:  512,
        optimization:  7,


PNGQuantOptions (lossy) is a configuration object used by ToolImagemin to set options for processing PNG images through the pnquant tool. Below are the available properties with their descriptions and usage examples:


  • quality: Don't save below min, use fewer colors below max (0-100).
  • speed: Speed/quality trade-off. 1=slow, 4=default, 11=fast & rough.
  • nofs: Disable Floyd-Steinberg dithering. Synonym: --nofs.
  • posterize: Output lower-precision color (e.g. for ARGB4444 output).
  • strip: Remove optional metadata (default on Mac). Synonym: --strip.

Usage Example

const run = new ToolImagemin({
    pngquant: {
        quality: '65-80',
        speed:  11,     
        nofs: true,
        posterize: true,   
        strip: false


JPEGTranOptions (lossless) is a configuration object used by ToolImagemin to set options for processing JPEG images through the jpegtran tool. Below are the available properties with their descriptions and usage examples:


  • progressive: Create progressive JPEG file.
  • optimize: Optimize Huffman table (smaller file, but slow compression).
  • arithmetic: Use arithmetic coding for smaller files.
  • copy: Copy markers (e.g., EXIF, ICC) from input to output. Use none to strip all.
  • flip: Mirror image across horizontal or vertical axis.
  • crop: Crop source image. Expects a string in the format WxH+X+Y.
  • grayscale: Create a grayscale JPEG.
  • rotate: Rotate image by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
  • maxMemory: Maximum memory to use in kilobytes.
  • revert: Revert to standard defaults instead of MozJPEG defaults.
  • targa: Input file is Targa format (usually not needed).
  • trim: Trim to the MCU block boundary; could result in up to 15 pixels being removed.

Usage Example

const run = new ToolImagemin({
    jpegtran: {
        progressive: true,
        optimize: true,
        copy: 'none',
        flip: 'horizontal',
        crop: '640x480+0+0',
        grayscale: true,
        rotate: 90,
        maxMemory: 1024,
        revert: true,
        targa: true,
        trim: true

MozJPEG Options

MozJPEGOptions (lossy) is a configuration object used by ToolImagemin to set options for processing JPEG images through the mozjpeg tool. Below are the available properties with their descriptions and usage examples.


  • quality (number): Compression quality (0-100; 5-95 is most useful range, default is 75).
  • grayscale (boolean): Create monochrome JPEG file.
  • rgb (boolean): Create RGB JPEG file.
  • optimize (boolean): Optimize Huffman table (smaller file, but slow compression, enabled by default).
  • progressive (boolean): Create progressive JPEG file (enabled by default).
  • baseline (boolean): Create baseline JPEG file (disable progressive coding).
  • targa (boolean): Input file is Targa format (usually not needed).
  • revert (boolean): Revert to standard defaults (instead of mozjpeg defaults).
  • dcScanOpt (number): DC scan optimization mode.
  • notrellis (boolean): Disable trellis optimization.
  • trellisDC (boolean): Enable trellis optimization of DC coefficients (default).
  • tune (string): Tune trellis optimization.
  • noovershoot (boolean): Disable black-on-white deringing via overshoot.
  • arithmetic (boolean): Use arithmetic coding.
  • dct ('int' | 'fast' | 'float'): DCT method.
  • quantBaseline (boolean): Use 8-bit quantization table entries for baseline JPEG compatibility.
  • quantTable (number): Quantization table.
  • restart (number): Set restart interval.
  • smooth (number): Smooth dithered input.
  • maxmemory (number): Maximum memory to use (in kbytes).

Usage Example

const optimizer = new ToolImagemin({
    mozjpeg: {
        quality: 75,
        grayscale: false,
        optimize: true,
        progressive: true

Usage Example

import ToolImagemin from '@toolx/imagemin';

// Create a new instance of ToolImagemin with desired options
const run = new ToolImagemin({
    lossless: true,
     pngquant: {
        minQuality:  2,
        maxQuality:  100,
        posterize: true,   
        strip: false
    jpegtran: {
        progressive: true,
        optimize: true,


External Libraries Used

ToolImagemin leverages several external optimization libraries like OptiPNG, PNGQuant, JPEGTran, MozJPEG. Each of these libraries contributes to the image optimization capabilities of ToolImagemin.

::: warning For more details on configurations and advanced options for each format-specific tool, please refer to respective documentation of OptiPNG, PNGQuant, JPEGTran, MozJPEG. :::

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  • williammanco