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1.0.2 • Public • Published


Community maintained Node.js client for the topstats.gg API


npm install @topstats/sdk

Quick Start

import { Client, HistoricalDataType, HistoricalTimeFrame } from "@topstats/sdk";

// Initialize client with your API token
const client = new Client("YOUR_TOKEN");

// Get bot information
const bot = await client.getBot("583807014896140293");
console.log(bot.name, bot.server_count);

// Get historical data
const history = await client.getBotHistorical(

// Get recent statistics
const recent = await client.getBotRecent("583807014896140293");
console.log(recent.hourlyData, recent.dailyData);

// Get top bots ranking
const rankings = await client.getRankings({
  sortBy: "monthly_votes_rank",
  sortMethod: "desc",

// Compare multiple bots (latest data)
const compareResponse = await client.compareBots([
console.log("Compare Bots:", compareResponse.data);

// Compare historical data for multiple bots
const historicalCompareResponse = await client.compareBotsHistorical({
  ids: ["432610292342587392", "646937666251915264"],
  timeFrame: HistoricalTimeFrame.SEVEN_DAYS,
  type: HistoricalDataType.MONTHLY_VOTES,
console.log("Historical Compare Data:", historicalCompareResponse.data);

API Reference


new Client(token: string)
// or
new Client({ token: string })


getBot(botId: string): Promise<BotData>

Fetches detailed information about a specific bot.

const bot = await client.getBot("583807014896140293");

getBotHistorical(botId: string, timeFrame: HistoricalTimeFrame, type: HistoricalDataType): Promise<HistoricalDataResponse>

Fetches historical data for a specific bot.

const history = await client.getBotHistorical(

getBotRecent(botId: string): Promise<RecentDataResponse>

Fetches recent statistics for a specific bot.

const recent = await client.getBotRecent("583807014896140293");

getRankings(options: RankingsRequest): Promise<RankingsResponse>

Fetches bot rankings based on specified criteria.

const rankings = await client.getRankings({
  sortBy: "monthly_votes_rank",
  sortMethod: "desc",
  limit: 250, // Optional, defaults to 100

compareBots(ids: string[]): Promise<{ data: any[] }>

Fetches the latest statistics for multiple bots and returns their data for comparison.

const compareResponse = await client.compareBots([

compareBotsHistorical(request: CompareBotsHistoricalRequest): Promise<{ data: Record<string, any[]> }>

Fetches historical comparison data for multiple bots based on the provided time frame and data type.

const historicalCompareResponse = await client.compareBotsHistorical({
  ids: ["432610292342587392", "646937666251915264"],
  timeFrame: HistoricalTimeFrame.SEVEN_DAYS,
  type: HistoricalDataType.MONTHLY_VOTES,


// Bot data and statistics
interface BotData {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  server_count: number;
  monthly_votes: number;
  total_votes: number;
  // ... and more

// Recent data statistics
interface RecentDataResponse {
  hourlyData: RecentData[];
  dailyData: RecentData[];

// Rankings response
interface RankingsResponse {
  totalBotCount: number;
  data: RankingsData[];

// Compare response
interface CompareBotsResponse {
  data: any[];

// Historical compare response
interface CompareBotsHistoricalResponse {
  data: Record<string, any[]>;

Error Handling

The client throws typed errors for different scenarios:

try {
  await client.getBot("invalid-id");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof RateLimitError) {
    // Handle rate limit
    console.log("Rate limited, try again later");
  } else if (error instanceof TopStatsError) {
    // Handle other API errors
    console.error("API Error:", error.message);
  } else {
    // Handle unknown errors
    console.error("Unknown Error:", error);

Rate Limits

The API has a rate limit that varies per route, typically 60 requests per minute. You can find up-to-date rate limit information in the official docs.


Tracking Bot Growth

// Get monthly growth statistics
const history = await client.getBotHistorical(

const growth = history.data.reduce((acc, curr, i, arr) => {
  if (i === 0) return acc;
  const prev = arr[i - 1];
  const diff = curr.value - prev.value;
  return acc + diff;
}, 0);

console.log(`30-day growth: ${growth} servers`);

Getting Top 10 Bots

const top10 = await client.getRankings({
  sortBy: "monthly_votes_rank",
  sortMethod: "desc",
  limit: 10,

console.log("Top 10 Bots by Monthly Votes:");
top10.data.forEach((bot, i) => {
  console.log(`${i + 1}. ${bot.name}: ${bot.monthly_votes} votes`);

Comparing Multiple Bots

// Compare basic data for two bots
const compareBots = await client.compareBots([
console.log("Comparative Bot Data:", compareBots.data);

// Compare historical monthly votes data over the last 7 days
const compareHistorical = await client.compareBotsHistorical({
  ids: ["432610292342587392", "646937666251915264"],
  timeFrame: HistoricalTimeFrame.SEVEN_DAYS,
  type: HistoricalDataType.MONTHLY_VOTES,
console.log("Comparative Historical Data:", compareHistorical.data);



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