error matching and rethrowing utils. Similar to https://github.com/hapijs/bounce
API is pretty self-explanatory, but see the example below. All three functions, ignore
, rethrow
and matches
accept the same arguments: an error, and criteria (either an Error subclass or a set of properties to match).
: ignores an error
: rethrows an error
: returns true if an error matches the provided criteria
const createErrorType = require('error-ex')
const Errors = require('@tradle/errors')
const MyCustomError = createErrorType('MyCustomError')
try {
throw new MyCustomError('blah')
} catch(err) {
// ignored by comparing properties
Errors.ignore(err, { message: 'blah' })
// ignored by Error prototype chain
Errors.ignore(err, MyCustomError)
// ignore if any of these matches
Errors.ignore(err, [
{ message: 'floop' }
// ignore by 'developer' alias
// aliased to match TypeError, ReferenceError, EvalError etc.
Errors.rethrow(err, 'developer')
try {
} catch(err) {
// will ignore ReferenceError
Errors.ignore(err, 'developer')
try {
} catch(err) {
// will rethrow ReferenceError: blah is not defined
Errors.rethrow(err, 'developer')