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Arg2Prolog is a lightweight implementation of the ASPIC+-like framework for structured argumentation. It is built on the top of the tuProlog engine.

More information about the project can be found on the official wiki.

Get Started

The Arg2p library is available in two different forms: as a standalone application (Arg2p Java IDE), and as a 2P-Kt library.

Graphical User Interface

If you need a GUI for your Prolog interpreter, you can rely on the Arg2p IDE which is available on the Releases section of the GitHub repository.

The page of the latest release of Arg2P exposes a number of Assets. There, the one named:


is the self-contained, executable Jar containing the 2P-Kt-based Prolog interpreter (VERSION may vary depending on the actual release version).

After you download the arg2p-ide-VERSION-redist.jar, you can simply launch it by running:

java -jar arg2p-ide-VERSION-redist.jar

However, if you have properly configured the JVM on your system, it may be sufficient to just double-click on the JAR to start the IDE.

There, one may query the Arg2p Prolog interpreter against the currently opened theory file, which can of course be loaded from the user's file system by pressing File and then Open....

To issue a query, the user must write it in the query text field, at the center of the application. By either pressing Enter while the cursor is on the query text field, or by clicking on the > button, the user can start a new resolution process, aimed at solving the provided query. Further solutions can be explored by clicking on the > over and over again. One may also compute all the unexplored solutions at once by clicking on the >> button.

To perform a novel query, the user may either:

  • write the new query in the query text field, and then press Enter, or
  • click on the X (Stop) button, write the new query in the query text field, and then press >.

For a deeper introduction on the Arg2p IDE you can refer to the original 2P-Kt page. The Arg2p version of the IDE introduces two additional tabs:

  • the Graph tab, containing the graphical representation of the abstract argumentation graph (available only if leveraging the abstract query mode -- buildLabelSet predicate);
  • the Arg Flag tab, allowing the user to see/modify the values of the Arg2p flags. A comprehensive description of these values can be found on the official wiki.

Gradle users

To import the Arg2p module (version ARG2P_VERSION) into your Kotlin-based project leveraging on Gradle, you simply need to declare the corresponding dependency in your build.gradle(.kts) file:

dependencies {
   implementation("it.unibo.tuprolog.argumentation", "arg2p", "ARG2P_VERSION")

Don't forget to tell Gradle to use Maven Central as a source for dependency lookup. You can do it as follows:

repositories {
JVM-only projects with Gradle

In the case your project only targets the JVM platform, remember to add the -jvm suffix to the module name:

dependencies {
   implementation("it.unibo.tuprolog.argumentation", "arg2p-jvm", "ARG2P_VERSION")

Maven users

To import the Arg2p module (version ARG2P_VERSION) into your Kotlin-based project leveraging on Maven, you simply need to declare the corresponding dependency in your pom.xml file:

JVM-only projects with Maven

In the case your project only targets the JVM platform, remember to add the -jvm suffix to the module name:


NPM users

The Arg2P software is available on NPM as a JavaScript library as well. It can be found under the @tuprolog organization. To import the Arg2p library into your package.json, it is sufficient to declare your dependency as follows:

  "dependencies": {
    "@tuprolog/arg2p-core": "^ARG2P_MODULE_VERSION"

Issue tracking

If you meet some problem in using Arg2p, you are encouraged to signal it through the project "Issues" section on GitLab.




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npm i @tuprolog/arg2p-core

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  • gciatto-unibo
  • robertacalegari
  • andrea.omicini
  • enrdenti
  • giuseppe.pisano