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32.4.1-RC3 • Public • Published

TX Text Control Document Viewer (Angular version)

This library provides a document viewer compatible with TX Text Control and documents created using the editor and API of TX Text Control.


The TX Text Control Document Viewer uses a backend that runs TX Text Control.NET Server for ASP.NET. Please use the MVC package for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core Web Applications.



ng add @txtextcontrol/tx-ng-document-viewer

Important notice: From Angular v17 onwards, "standalone" apps are the new default for the CLI. If you want DocumentEditorModule to be added to your app.module.ts automatically, you have to use the --no-standalone flag when creating a new Angular project with ng new.


Your component.html could look like this, for example (the only mandatory attributes are width, height and basePath):


Possible attributes

  • width (string) - The width of the component (e. g. "1000px").
  • height (string) - The height of the component (e. g. "800px").
  • basePath (string) - The backend URL.
  • toolbarDocked (boolean) - Specifies whether the toolbar is docked or floating.
  • documentPath (string) - Specified the displayed document name.
  • documentData (string) - Sets the document data encoded as a Base64 string. Supported formats are HTML, RTF, DOC, DOCX, PDF and TX.
  • documentLoadSettings (DocumentLoadSettings) - Additional settings for loading the passed document.
  • isSelectionActivated (boolean) - Specifies whether text can be selected and copied.
  • signatureSettings (SignatureSettings) - Specifies the signature settings.
  • showThumbnailPane (boolean) - Specifies whether the thumbnail sidebar is visible or not.
  • dock (string) - Specifies how the control is docked. Possible values are 'Fill' and 'Window'.
  • toolbarDocked (boolean) - Specifies whether the toolbar is docked or floating.
  • resources (Object.<string, string>) - Specifies resources for the displayed strings.
  • userNames (string[]) - An array of names specifying users who can sign the document.

DocumentLoadSettings Object

The DocumentLoadSettings object has the following properties:

  • loadEmbeddedComments (boolean) - Specifies whether comments from the document should be loaded as annotations.
  • pdfjs (PDFJSSettings) - Specifies whether comments from the document should be loaded as annotations.

PDFJSSettings Object

The PDFJSSettings object has the following properties:

  • workerSourcePath (string) - Specifies the worker source path.
  • librarySourcePath (string) - Specifies the libraray source path.

SignatureSettings Object

The SignatureSettings object has the following properties:

  • defaultSignatureFont (SignatureFontSettings) -
  • ownerName (string) - The owner name.
  • signatureBoxName (string) - The id of the signature box element
  • signerName (string) - The signer name.
  • signerInitials (string) - The signer initials.
  • showSignatureBar (boolean) - Specifies whether to show the signature bar.
  • uniqueId (string) - The unique signature id.
  • redirectUrlAfterSignature (string) - The URL to redirect to after a signature.
  • signatureBoxes (SignatureBox[]) - Signature boxes.

SignatureFontSettings Object

The SignatureFontSettings object has the following properties:

  • family (string) - Specifies the default font-family for creating a new text-based signature.

SignatureBox Object

The SignatureBox object has the following properties:

  • name (string) - The name of the signature box.
  • signingRequired (boolean) - Specifies whether signing is required.
  • style (SignatureBoxStyle) - The signature box style.

SignatureBoxStyle Enumeration

The SignatureBoxStyle enumeration has the following values:

  • SignatureBoxStyle.Signature - The signature box is a signature box.
  • SignatureBoxStyle.Initials - The signature box is an initials box.

Environment Support

  • Angular ^15.0.0
  • NuGet package TXTextControl.Web.DocumentViewer 31.0.500.500 and newer.




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npm i @txtextcontrol/tx-ng-document-viewer

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