TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.4.1 • Public • Published


npm install --save @types/lolcatjs


This package contains type definitions for lolcatjs (https://github.com/robertmarsal/lolcatjs#readme).


Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/lolcatjs.


// Project: lolcatjs
 * Takes a frequency and an index and returns an RGB color.
 * @param freq
 * @param i
 * @returns An object representing an RGB color.
export function rainbow(freq: number, i: number): Rgb;

 * Takes a character and an RGB color and writes it to the stdout.
 * @param char
 * @param colors
 * @returns void
export function colorize(char: string, colors: Rgb): void;

 *  Takes a string and an RGB color and writes it to the stdout.
 * @param colorize
 * @param line
 * @returns void
export function printlnPlain(colorize: ColorizeFunction, line: string[]): void;

 * Takes a colorize function and a line, and prints the line with an animation if sleep is true.
 * @param colorize
 * @param line
 * @returns void
export function printlnAnimated(colorize: ColorizeFunction, line: string[]): void;

 * Takes a line and prints it to the stdout.
 * @param line
 * @returns void
export function printIn(line: string[]): void;

 * Reads data from the stdin, splits it into lines, and prints each line.
 * @returns Promise<void>
export function fromPipe(): Promise<void>;

 * Reads data from a file, splits it into lines, and prints each line.
 * @param file
 * @returns Promise<void>
export function fromFile(file: string): Promise<void>;

 * Takes a string, splits it into lines, and prints each line.
 * @param string
 * @returns void
export function fromString(string: string): void;

 * Initializes the module, tries to require the 'sleep' module for animations.
 * If the 'sleep' module is not available, it falls back to no animations.
 * @returns null
export function init(): null;

/*~ You can declare types that are available via importing the module */
export interface Options {
    animate: boolean;
    duration: number;
    seed: number;
    speed: number;
    spread: number;
    freq: number;
    debug: boolean;

export interface Rgb {
    red: number;
    green: number;
    blue: number;

export type ColorizeFunction = (char: string, colors: Rgb) => void;

/*~ You can declare properties of the module using const, let, or var */
export const sleep: number | null;
export const options: Options;
export const colors: Rgb;

Additional Details

  • Last updated: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 06:36:06 GMT
  • Dependencies: none


These definitions were written by Younis Ahmed.




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  • types