npm install --save @types/parse-decimal-number
This package contains type definitions for parse-decimal-number (
Files were exported from
declare namespace parseDecimalNumber {
type ArrayOptions = [thousands: string, decimal: string];
interface HashOptions {
* Decimal point character.
* Default: ".".
decimal: string;
* Thousands separator character.
* Default: ",".
thousands: string;
type Options = ArrayOptions | HashOptions | string;
* Has the same effect as `parseDecimalNumber.setOptions({ thousands: ",", decimal: "." })`.
function factoryReset(): void;
* Set the default thousands and decimal characters that are used when no options are passed to
* {@link parseDecimalNumber}.
function setOptions(hash: HashOptions): void;
* Returns a function that will take a string as an argument and return a float or `NaN`,
* just like {@link parseDecimalNumber}.
function withOptions(options: Options, enforceGroupSize?: boolean): (string: string) => number;
declare function parseDecimalNumber(
* A string that is supposed to contain a number.
string: string,
* A string, array or hash with thousands and decimal separators.
options?: parseDecimalNumber.Options,
* A boolean indicating whether to support that individual groups between the thousands
* character are exactly 3 digits.
enforceGroupSize?: boolean,
): number;
export = parseDecimalNumber;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:09:39 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Ciarán Ingle.