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A react-intl-inspired message formatting library, built atop the lightweight ICU message formatter as a response to the large bundle size of react-intl and its dependencies, in an attempt to keep bundle size down.


npm install @ultraq/icu-message-formatter @ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter


Wrap your application in the <MessageFormatterProvider> component. This will provide the message formatter context required by the other components in this library. Then, anywhere in your application, use the <FormattedMessage> component to format strings from the configured message bundle, passing any placeholder data to it for the desired output.

Taking the example from the ICU Message Formatter readme and adding a little HTML and React, that would look something like this:

import {MessageFormatter} from '@ultraq/icu-message-formatter'; 
import {MessageFormatterProvider} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';
import {toCurrencyString} from 'my-custom-currency-library';

let formatter = new MessageFormatter('en-NZ', {
  currency: ({value, currency}, options, values, locale) => toCurrencyString(value, currency, locale)
let messages = {
  EXAMPLE: 'Hey {name}, that\'s gonna cost you <strong>{amount, currency}</strong>!'

<MessageFormatterProvider formatter={formatter} messages={messages}>
  <FormattedMessage id="EXAMPLE" values={{
    name: 'Emanuel',
    amount: {
      value: 2,
      currency: 'GBP'

// The following HTML will be emitted:
// "Hey Emanuel, that's gonna cost you <strong>£2.00</strong>!"

Nested React components in formatted strings

Since you can define your own type handlers, those handlers can also contain JSX content, allowing you to nest components within formatted strings. One example I keep running into is having to render links for client-side routing, which can be done using this library:

import {MessageFormatter} from '@ultraq/icu-message-formatter'; 
import {MessageFormatterProvider} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';
import {Link} from 'react-router';

let formatter = new MessageFormatter('en-NZ', {
  link: ({to}, linkText) => (
    <Link to={to}>{linkText}</Link>
let messages = {
  EXAMPLE: 'Go to {helpLink, link, our help pages} to learn more'

<MessageFormatterProvider formatter={formatter} messages={messages}>
  <FormattedMessage id="EXAMPLE" values={{
    helpLink: {
      to: 'https://help.mywebsite.com'

// Is the same as having written:
// "Go to <Link to="https://help.mywebsite.com">our help pages</Link> to learn more"
// in JSX

Message resolvers for custom message bundle handling

As an application grows, it can be quite cumbersome to maintain a single large message bundle, so you might split it up in some way. Some methods will let you be able to reconstruct the entire message bundle statically and continue to pass that result to the <MessageFormatterProvider> through the messages prop as before. But others, like code-splitting, will be more dynamic and have you adding to the message bundle as your users work their way through your application.

For these situations, <MessageFormatterProvider> also has a messageResolver prop, which is a function called with the message id and locale whenever a message needs to be retrieved for formatting.

How you then manage your bundle (eg: add to it as pages are loaded, as components are loaded, namespace them to avoid collisions, etc), and then retrieve those messages (eg: the id prop for <FormattedMessage> could include namespaces, special path separators, etc) is up to you. eg:

// Messages.js
const messageBundle = {
  common: {
    NEXT_PAGE: 'Next page'

export function addMessages(namespace, messages) {
  messageBundle[namespace] = messages;

export function messageResolver(id, locale) {
  let [namespace, key] = id.split(':');
  return messageBundle[namespace][key];

// Page1.js
import Page1Messages from './Page1Messages.json'

class Page1 extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    addMessages('page1', Page1Messages);
  render() {
    return (
        <FormattedMessage id="page1:PAGE1_MESSAGE"/>
        <a href="/page2.html"><FormattedMessage id="common:NEXT_PAGE"/></a>

// App.js
import {MessageFormatter} from '@ultraq/icu-message-formatter'; 
import {MessageFormatterProvider} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';
import {messageResolver} from './messages.js';

let formatter = new MessageFormatter('en-NZ');

<MessageFormatterProvider formatter={formatter} messageResolver={messageResolver}>



import {MessageFormatterProvider} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';

Configures the message formatting context for your application.


  • formatter: a MessageFormatter instance from the icu-message-formatter package
  • messages: object whose keys are used as the id values for identifying which message to bring up and format. Not required if messageResolver is used.
  • messageResolver: a message lookup function that is passed the id of the message being looked up and the locale from the current formatter, called whenever a message needs to be resolved for formatting. Not required if messages is used.


import {FormattedMessage} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';

React wrapper for the ICU message formatter's format method, using the props and context to pass along to that method.

Since 0.6.0, this component also formats strings with HTML in them and automatically escapes placeholder values, replacing the <FormattedHtmlMessage> component which could open you up to XSS attacks.


  • id: the value of the key from the configured messages to use as the message that you wish to have formatted for display
  • values: optional, an object of placeholder data to fill out the message


import {useMessageFormatter} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';

A hook for retrieving the message formatter context objects: formatter, messages, and messageResolver. Returns a single object with all of those properties on it.

React 16.8+ is needed to be able to use hooks.


import {withMessageFormatter} from '@ultraq/react-icu-message-formatter';

A higher-order component function that applies the context objects, formatter, messages, and messageResolver to the given component as props.

  • Component: the React component to wrap

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