The smallest, fastest, node module for ISO 3166-1 alpha 2/3 helper lookup/parser. Browserify/Webpack friendly.
npm install --save @unly/iso3166-1
var iso31661 = require('@unly/iso3166-1')
iso31661.from('USA').to3() // USA
iso31661.from('USA').to2() // US
iso31661.from('US').to3() // USA
iso31661.from('US').to2() // US
iso31661.fromLocale('en-US').to3() // USA
iso31661.fromLocale('en-US').to2() // US
var iso31661 = require('@unly/iso3166-1')
iso31661.to2('USA') // US
iso31661.to3('US') // USA
var iso31661 = require('@unly/iso3166-1')
var locale2 = require('locale2')
iso31661.fromLocale(locale2).to3() // USA
iso31661.fromLocale(locale2).to2() // US
import iso31661 from '@unly/iso3166-1';
iso31661.is2('US') // true
iso31661.is3('USA') // true
iso31661.is2('XX') // false
iso31661.is3('XXX') // false
Vulnerability disclosure
Contributors and maintainers
This project is being maintained by:
- [Unly] Ambroise Dhenain (Vadorequest) (active)
Unly is a socially responsible company, fighting inequality and facilitating access to higher education. Unly is committed to making education more inclusive, through responsible funding for students. We provide technological solutions to help students find the necessary funding for their studies.
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