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1.1.0 • Public • Published


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This package provides a simple way to listen for scanner input in the browser. It works by listening for keydown events and matching the input against a set of symbologies.


This package comes in two flavours; react and vanilla. The react package is a wrapper around the vanilla package that provides a React hook for listening to scanner input.


npm install @use-symbology-scanner/vanilla
yarn add @use-symbology-scanner/vanilla
pnpm add @use-symbology-scanner/vanilla


npm install @use-symbology-scanner/react
yarn add @use-symbology-scanner/react
pnpm add @use-symbology-scanner/react


import { useSymbologyScanner } from '@use-symbology-scanner/react';

export const App = () => {
    const ref = useRef(null)

    const handleSymbol = (symbol, matchedSymbologies) => {
        console.log(`Scanned ${symbol}`)

    useSymbologyScanner(handleSymbol, { target: ref })

    return (
        <div ref={ref}>

<!-- index.html -->
<div id="el"></div>
// script.js
const el = document.getElementById('id')

const handleSymbol = (symbol, matchedSymbologies) => {
    console.log(`Scanned ${symbol}`)

const scanner = new SymbologyScanner(handleSymbol, {}, el)

scanner.destroy() // clean up listeners


Property Type Description Default Value
target EventTarget DOM element to listen for keydown events in. window.document
symbologies Array<Symbology, StandardSymbologyKey> Symbologies to match against. STANDARD_SYMBOLOGIES
enabled boolean Whether or not the scanner is enabled. true
eventOptions object Options to pass to the addEventListener call. { capture: false, passive: true }
preventDefault boolean Whether or not to call preventDefault on the event. false
ignoreRepeats boolean Whether or not to ignore repeated keydown events. true
scannerOptions object Options that describe the behaviour of the hardware scanner. { prefix: '', suffix: '', maxDelay: 20 }


A Symbology is a defined method of representing numeric or alphabetic digits using bars and spaces that are easily scanned by computer systems. By default, all of the standard symbologies in the table below are matched against the input.

Standard Symbologies

Symbology Allowed Characters Min Length Max Length
UPC-A 0-9 12 12
UPC-E 0-9 6 6
EAN-8 0-9 8 8
EAN 13 0-9 13 13
Codabar 0-9, -, ., $, :, /, + 4
Code 11 0-9, - 4
Code 39 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., / 1
Code 93 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, +, -, . 1
Code 128 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., / 1
Code 25 Interleaved 0-9 1
Code 25 Industrial 0-9 1
MSI Code 0-9 1
QR Code 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : 1
PDF417 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : 1
Data Matrix 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : 1
Aztec 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : 1
Dot Code 0-9, A-Z, , $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : 1

In order to only match against a subset of the standard symbologies, you can pass in an array of symbologies to the symbologies option:

import { STANDARD_SYMBOLOGY_KEYS } from '@use-symbology-scanner/core';

const symbologies = [

Missing a common symbology or an issue with one of the standard symbologies? Feel free to open an issue or a pull request. Alternatively, you can define your own custom symbologies.

Custom Symbologies

You can also define your own custom symbologies to match against the input.

Property Type Description
name string Name of the symbology.
allowedCharacters RegExp Allowed characters in the symbology.
minLength number Minimum length of the symbology.
maxLength number Maximum length of the symbology.

allowedCharacters must only contain a character class. For example, [0-9] is valid, but 0-9 is not. You can define a custom symbology like so:

import { Symbology } from '@use-symbology-scanner/core';

const customSymbology = new Symbology({
    name: 'Custom Symbology',
    allowedCharacters: '[0-9]',
    minLength: 1,
    maxLength: 10

Supported hardware

This library has not yet been tested on any hardware. If you have a scanner that you would like to test this library with, please open an issue or a pull request. Generally, this library should work with any hardware that emits keydown events. You can tweak the scannerOptions to match the behaviour of your hardware. For example, if your scanner emits a newline character after each scan, you can configure the scannerOptions like so:

const scannerOptions = {
    prefix: '',
    suffix: '\n',
    maxDelay: 20

Bluetooth scanners may require a longer maxDelay value due to latency. If you are using a bluetooth scanner, try increasing the maxDelay value to 100 or 200.



git clone
cd @use-symbology-scanner/core
yarn install
yarn build


yarn test



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npm i @use-symbology-scanner/react

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  • markjaniczak