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1.5.0 • Public • Published


UserFlux's Browser JavaScript SDK - send your frontend analytics data to the UserFlux platform.

Getting Started

1. Install the package

npm i @userflux/browser-js

2. Initialise the SDK

import UserFlux from '@userflux/browser-js'
UserFlux.initialize('<YOUR_WRITE_KEY>', {
    autoCapture: ['page_views', 'page_leaves', 'clicks'],
    allowCookies: true,
    autoEnrich: true,
    defaultTrackingProperties: { ... },
    trackSession: true

The initialize method takes two arguments:

  • writeKey - Your UserFlux write key. You can find this in the UserFlux dashboard under Management > Account Settings > Developers > Write Key
  • options - An object containing the following optional properties:
    • autoCapture - An array of strings used to define which events to automatically capture. Defaults to none. The following events are available:
      • page_views - Capture page views
      • page_leaves - Capture page leaves
      • clicks - Capture clicks
      • all - Capture all of the above events
    • allowCookies - A boolean indicating whether or not to allow cookies. Defaults to true
    • cookieSameSiteSetting - A string indicating what cookie same site setting to use. Defaults to Strict. Options available are: Strict, Lax
    • cookieExpiryDays - A number indicating how many days a cookie should last. Defaults to 365
    • autoEnrich - A boolean indicating whether or not to automatically enrich events with location and device properties. Defaults to true
    • defaultTrackingProperties - An object containing any default properties to be sent with every event. Defaults to an empty object
    • trackSession - A boolean indicating whether or not to track sessions with an unique identifier. Defaults to true
    • customQueryParamsToCollect - An array of strings used to define which custom query parameters to auto collect and include in event properties. Defaults to none.
    • disableUserIdStorage - A boolean indicating whether or not to store the provided user id in storage. Defaults to false
    • blockCommonBots - A boolean indicating whether or not to block common bots from being tracked. Defaults to true

3. Tracking events

await UserFlux.track({
    event: 'event_name',
    properties: { ... },
    userId: '<USER_ID>',
    enrichDeviceData: true,
    enrichLocationData: true,
    enrichPageProperties: true,
    enrichReferrerProperties: true,
    enrichUTMProperties: true,
    enrichPaidAdProperties: true,
    addToQueue: true

The track method takes a single argument:

  • parameters - An object containing the following properties:
    • event - (required) A string representing the name of the event
    • properties - (optional) An object containing any properties to be sent with the event. Defaults to an empty object. Any defaultTrackingProperties provided in the global options will be merged with these properties
    • userId - (optional) A string representing the user ID of the user you're identifying with attributes
    • enrichDeviceData - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with device data. Defaults to the value of autoEnrich in the global options
    • enrichLocationData - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with location data. Defaults to the value of autoEnrich in the global options
    • enrichPageProperties - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with page properties. Defaults to true
    • enrichReferrerProperties - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with referrer properties. Defaults to true
    • enrichUTMProperties - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with UTM properties. Defaults to true
    • enrichPaidAdProperties - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with paid advertisement properties (such as google and facebook ads). Defaults to true
    • addToQueue - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to add the event to the queue. Defaults to false. If false, the event will be sent immediately

4. Identifying users

await UserFlux.identify({
    properties: { ... },
    userId: '<USER_ID>',
    enrichDeviceData: true,
    enrichLocationData: true

The identify method takes a single argument:

  • parameters - An object containing the following properties:
    • properties - (required) An object containing any attributes to be associated with the users profile
    • userId - (optional) A string representing the user ID of the user you're identifying with attributes
    • enrichDeviceData - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with device data. Defaults to the value of autoEnrich in the global options
    • enrichLocationData - (optional) A boolean indicating whether or not to enrich the event with location data. Defaults to the value of autoEnrich in the global options

Other Methods Available


await UserFlux.trackBatch([
        event: 'event_name',
        properties: { ... },
        userId: '<USER_ID>',
        enrichDeviceData: true,
        enrichLocationData: true,
        enrichPageProperties: true,
        enrichReferrerProperties: true,
        enrichUTMProperties: true,
        enrichPaidAdProperties: true
        event: 'event_name',
        properties: { ... },
        userId: '<USER_ID>',
        enrichDeviceData: true,
        enrichLocationData: true,
        enrichPageProperties: true,
        enrichReferrerProperties: true,
        enrichUTMProperties: true,
        enrichPaidAdProperties: true

The trackBatch method takes a single argument:

  • events - An array of objects. See the track method for details of the properties available for each object.


UserFlux.updateDefaultTrackingProperties({ ... })

If at any time you wish to update the default tracking properties, you can do so by calling the updateDefaultTrackingProperties method.

The updateDefaultTrackingProperties method takes one argument:

  • defaultTrackingProperties - An object containing any default properties to be sent with every event.


await UserFlux.reset()

If at any time you wish to reset the SDK, you can do so by calling the reset method. This will flush any events, clear any cookies / local storage, and reset the SDK to its initial state.


await UserFlux.flush()

This will flush any pending events and send them to the UserFlux platform.


await UserFlux.trackPageView()

If you have disabled autoCapture in the global options, you can manually capture page views by calling the trackPageView method.



If you have provided a userId in the identify or track methods, you can retrieve this by calling the getUserId method.



You can retrieve the anonymous id by calling the getAnonymousId method. This is the id that will be used if no userId is provided in the identify or track methods.

Alternative Installation

If you do not want to use the NPM package manger, simply drop the following into your HTML

	<script type="module" async>
		import UserFlux from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@userflux/browser-js'
		UserFlux.initialize('<YOUR_WRITE_KEY>', {
		    autoCapture: ['all'],
		    allowCookies: true,
		    autoEnrich: true,
		    defaultTrackingProperties: { ... }

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  • userflux