The object utility functions category includes a variety of practical methods for object manipulation, comparison, and transformation. These functions simplify many common operations in JavaScript/TypeScript development when working with objects and data structures.
To use the functions in this category, install the @utilify/object
package with your preferred package manager:
npm install @utilify/object
yarn add @utilify/object
pnpm add @utilify/object
You can import specific functions as needed:
import { clone, deepClone, deepMerge } from '@utilify/object';
const { clone, deepClone, deepMerge } = require('@utilify/object');
function clone<T extends Record<string, any>>(value: T): T;
function clone<T extends unknown[]>(value: T): T;
Creates a shallow copy of an object or array by directly copying its properties.
function deepClone<T extends Record<string, any>>(value: T): T;
function deepClone<T extends unknown[]>(value: T): T;
Creates a deep copy of an object or array, including all nested properties.
function deepFreeze(obj: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any>;
Deeply freezes an object, making its properties and nested properties immutable.
function deepMerge(...values: Record<string, any>[]): Record<string, any>;
Performs a deep merge of multiple objects, combining their properties recursively.
function flattenObj(obj: Record<string, any>, separator: string = "."): Record<string, any>;
Flattens a nested object into a single-level object with keys representing property paths.
function freeze<T>(obj: T): T;
Freezes an object, making its properties immutable but does not freeze nested properties.
function interpolate(str: string, values: Record<string, any>): string;
Replaces placeholders in a string with values provided in an object.
function isDeepEqual(value1: Record<string, any>, value2: Record<string, any>): boolean;
function isDeepEqual(value1: unknown[], value2: unknown[]): boolean;
Compares two objects or arrays deeply to determine if they are structurally and semantically equal.
function isEqual(value1: any, value2: any): boolean;
Compares two values or references to determine if they are strictly equal using
function merge(...values: Record<string, any>[]): Record<string, any>;
function merge(...values: unknown[][]): unknown[];
Performs a shallow merge of multiple objects or arrays, combining their properties or elements into a new object or array.
function omit<T extends Record<string, any>, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, keys: K[]): Omit<T, K>;
Creates a new object from the given object, excluding the specified keys.
function pick<T extends Record<string, any>, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, keys: K[]): Pick<T, K>;
Creates a new object containing only the selected keys from the original object.
function sanitizeObj(obj: Record<string, any>, values: any[], replace?: any): Record<string, any>;
Sanitizes an object by replacing specific values with an optional replacement value.
function unflattenObj(obj: Record<string, any>, separator: string = "."): Record<string, any>;
Transforms a flattened object back into its original nested structure using a separator to identify hierarchy levels in the keys.