Retrieve paper citatation data from and Semantic Scholar.
Requires at least Node.js v14.14.0.
npm install @uwdata/citation-query
JavaScript Module
is an ESM-only module - you are not able to import it with require()
Retrieve citation data from
import { lookupDOI } from '@uwdata/citation-query';
const doiData = await lookupDoi('10.1111/cgf.13720');
Retrieve citation data from Semantic Scholar
For a full list of available paper fields, see the Semantic Scholar API documentation.
import { lookupS2, urlS2 } from '@uwdata/citation-query';
// paper fields to retrieve
const params = {
fields: ['externalIds', 'title', 'authors', 'year', 'venue']
// using a DOI
const s2DataFromDOI = await lookupS2('10.1111/cgf.13720', params);
// using an S2ID (Semantic Scholar ID)
const s2id = 'fe1ea23231e63bdc8738635046e21d7e655e55f2';
const s2DataFromS2ID = await lookupS2(s2id, params);
// generate a URL for the Semantic Scholar REST API
const url = urlS2(s2id, params);
Command Line Utilities
Retrieve citation data from
Given a DOI, return JSON data to standard output.
doi 10.1111/cgf.13720
Retrieve citation data from Semantic Scholar
Given a paper id (DOI, S2ID, etc.) return JSON data to standard output.
Retrieve a default set of fields using an S2ID:
s2id fe1ea23231e63bdc8738635046e21d7e655e55f2
Retrieve a default set of fields using a DOI:
s2id 10.1111/cgf.13720
Retrieve a custom set of fields:
s2id fe1ea23231e63bdc8738635046e21d7e655e55f2 title,year,venue