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0.8.14 • Public • Published

Modbus Client Protocol Binding of node-wot


W3C Web of Things (WoT) Protocol Binding for Modbus TCP RFC. This package uses modbus-serial as a low level client for Modbus TCP. W3C WoT Binding Template for Modbus can be found here.

Current Maintainer(s): @relu91 @fillobotto

Protocol specifier

The protocol prefix handled by this binding is modbus+tcp://.

New Form Fields for the Modbus Binding

Note: for further details please refer to the documentation.


Specifies which modbus function should be issue in the requested command. The list of the available function is the following:

Function ID Label
1 readCoil
2 readDiscreteInput
3 readHoldingRegisters
4 readInputRegisters
5 writeSingleCoil
6 writeSingleHoldingRegister
15 writeMultipleCoils
16 writeMultipleHoldingRegisters
The list is build from wikipedia definition of modbus function names, it can be different in proprietary implementations of modbus protocol.
Function IDs or labels can be either used as values of modbus:function property.


A more user-friendly property to specify modbus:function. It can be filled with the following keywords: Coil, DiscreteInput, InputRegister, HoldingRegister. The client will then determine the right function code to be applied in the modbus request. Futhermore, it can be used in multi-operation forms whereas modbus:function cannot. See the [example]

Notice that when used in conjunction with modbus:function, the value of modbus:function property is ignored.


The physical bus address of the unit targeted by the modbus request.


This property defines the starting address of registers or coils that are meant to be written.


This property defines the total amount of registers or coils that should be written, beginning with the register specified with the property 'modbus:address'.


The polling time used for subscriptions. The client will issue a reading command every modbus:pollingTime milliseconds. Note that the reading request timeout can be still controlled using modbus:timeout property.


Timeout in milliseconds of the modbus request. Default to 1000 milliseconds

URL format

The URL is used to transport all addressing information necessary to describe the MODBUS connection and register addresses. It has the following structure:

modbus+tcp:// <host> [ : <port> ] [/ <unitid> [ / <address> ] [&quantity=<quantity> ] ]

with the following meaning:

  • <host> is the host name or IP address of the MODBUS slave
  • <port> is the optional TCP port number used to access the MODBUS slave. Default is 502
  • <unitid> is the MODBUS unit id of the MODBUS slave; same as modbus:unitID
  • <address> is the starting address register number; see modbus:address
  • <quantity> is the optional number of registers to access. Default is 1; see modbus:quantity

When specified URL values override the corresponding form parameter.


The MODBUS binding uses and provides plain binary data for reading and writing. Therefore in most cases it will be associated with the content type application/octet-stream. Please refer to the description of this codec on how to decode and encode plain register values to/from JavaScript objects (See OctetstreamCodec). Note array and object schema are not supported.

Along with content type application/octet-stream, this protocol binding accepts also an optional byteSeq parameter. byteSeq specifies the endian-ness of the raw byte data being read/written by the MODBUS binding. It follows the notation application/octet-stream;byteSeq=value, where its value can be one of the following:

  • BIG_ENDIAN, which is the default value

Note: the list may be extended in the future.

In particular, the decimal numbers 9545 and 22880 will be encoded as follows:

  • BIG_ENDIAN: 25 49 59 60
  • LITTLE_ENDIAN: 60 59 49 25
  • BIG_ENDIAN_BYTE_SWAP: 49 25 60 59
  • LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTE_SWAP: 59 60 25 49

For register properties the payload is just the plain sequence of bytes read from or written to the registers. For coils and discrete inputs, the payload is a sequence of bytes, each corresponding to a single coil or discrete input. Each byte contains the value 0 or 1. So the encoder / decoder should work on this series of bytes and does not have to take care about handling the individual bits. Mapping each coil or discrete input to a single property of type boolean works just fine!

Another parameter that can be used in conjunction with application/octet-stream is length. This parameter specifies the length of the payload in bytes. This is useful to indicate the actual length of the payload when reading or writing a sequence of registers. For example, when reading a property using readHoldingRegisters, the payload length can be used to specify the number of registers to be read. Notice that the payload length must always be equal to the number of registers multiplied by the registers size in bytes.


The protocol does not support security.

Implementation notes

This implementation handles multiple requests to the same slave by serializing and combining them if possible. In the following, the terms request and transaction are used as follows to describe this:

  • A request is a read or write request to a resource as issued by a user of the node-wot API.
  • A transaction is a MODBUS operation and may cover the data of multiple requests.


When two requests of the same type are issued and these requests cover neighboured registers, then they are combined into a single transaction reading or writing the combined register range. Note that this algorithm is currently rather simple: New requests are just checked if they can be prepended or appended to an existing transaction. If not, a new transaction is created. When a transaction completes, all requests contained in this transaction are completed.


Multiple transactions to the same slave are serialized. This means that a new MODBUS transaction is only started when the previous transaction was finished. Transactions are held in a queue and executed in a first-come-first-serve manner.

Combination using the node-wot API

To help the MODBUS binding to perform combination a user of the API should create several requests for neighboured registers and resolve them all together in a single call to Promise.all(), e.g. as follows:

console.info("Creating promise vl1n");
let vl1n = pac3200.properties["Voltage/L1N"].read();
console.info("Creating promise vl2n");
let vl2n = pac3200.properties["Voltage/L2N"].read();
console.info("Creating promise vl3n");
let vl3n = pac3200.properties["Voltage/L3N"].read();

console.info("Resolving all promises");
Promise.all([vl1n, vl2n, vl3n])
    .then((values) => values.forEach((v) => console.info("Voltage = ", v)))
    .catch((reason) => console.warn("Failed ", reason));

This procedure guarantees that the requests are all combined into a single transaction before this transaction is executed. A similar approach can also be used to write multiple properties in a single transaction.

Valid Form Examples

Base read function form

Reads the 8th input register of the unit 1

    "href": "modbus://",
    "contentType": "application/octet-stream;length=2",
    "op": ["readproperty"],
    "modbus:function": "readInputRegister",
    "modbus:address": 8,
    "modbus:unitID": 1,
    "modbus:timeout": 2000

Write/read function form

Read and write the 8th holding register of the unit 1

    "href": "modbus://",
    "contentType": "application/octet-stream;length=2",
    "op": ["readproperty", "writeproperty"],
    "modbus:entity": "HoldingRegister",
    "modbus:address": 8,
    "modbus:unitID": 1

Subscribe form

Polls the 8th holding register of the unit 1 every second.

    "href": "modbus://",
    "contentType": "application/octet-stream;length=2",
    "op": ["observeproperty"],
    "modbus:entity": "HoldingRegister",
    "modbus:address": 8,
    "modbus:unitID": 1,
    "modbus:pollingTime": 1000


  • [x] TEST
  • [ ] (Modbus Server Protocol Binding)
  • [x] Connection pooling
  • [ ] More sophisticated algorithm for combining requests. Some ideas
    • Not only append or prepend requests to transactions, but also combine transactions which become neighboured later on
    • Impose some limit to the overall number of registers. The MODBUS protocol has such a limit and devices may define even lower values
  • [ ] When a connection times out, re-connection does not work (see connectionTimeout in modbus-client.ts)
  • [x] When a Modbus device is not reachable, scripts using binding-modbus stop working - corresponding error handling is necessary

More Details

See https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot/




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  • hyperloris
  • cristiano.aguzzi