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5.1.0 • Public • Published


@vavite/multibuild-cli is a tool for orchestrating multiple Vite builds. This package is the CLI binary, check out @vavite/multibuild for the JavaScript API.

Developing applications that perform server-side rendering (SSR) with Vite requires two separate build steps: one for the client and one for the server. This library allows you to run both builds with a single command and customize the configuration for each build.

We're hoping that, eventually, this feature will be implemented in Vite itself. This package exists to provide a workaround until then.


@vavite/multibuild extends the Vite configuration with a buildSteps property, which is an array of build step definitions. A build step definition is an object with a name property (which is simply a string naming the build step), and an optional config property which will be merged into the Vite configuration for the build step. For example, a client build followed by a server build can be defined like this:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  buildSteps: [
      name: "client",
      config: {
        build: {
          outDir: "dist/client",
          rollupOptions: {
            // Client entry
            input: "/client",
      name: "server",
      config: {
        build: {
          // Server entry
          ssr: "/server",
          outDir: "dist/server",

You can then run the vavite-multibuild command as a drop-in replacement for vite build. This will call resolveConfig with the mode parameter set to "multibuild" to extract the build steps. Setting buildSteps in subsequent steps has no effect.

Sharing information between builds

@vavite/multibuild-cli will call the buildStepStart hook on each plugin when a build step starts and pass it information about the current step and data forwarded from the previous step. The buildStepEnd hook will be called when the build step ends and its return value will be forwarded to the next step. If a promise is returned, it will be awaited first.

If no build steps are defined, buildStepStart and buildStepEnd will not be called.




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  • cyco130