VbsNext (Core scripts)
Inspired by the revolutionary transformation of Javascript from browser to nodejs and beyond, this project is an attempt to see how far our favorite VB script (.vbs / .wsf) can be extended to give the wings it needed to fly.
npm install @vbsnext/vbsnext-core
Run your primary vbs script through vbsnext CLI to resolve Include(), Echox, Class extends and other keywords
npx vbsnext <yourscirpt.vbs>
Resultant build file will be stored to build direcotry with suffix "-build.vbs"
Suggestions are welcome
- Import core libraries as Node packges instead of pre-importing
- Rendering both vbs and js (Jscirpt)
- Minify the build vbs scripts
- Prettify the project vbs scripts
- Test Assertions Object
- Test Suite to run all tests