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This is a Rush plugin for using Vercel Remote Cache provider during the "build" and "rebuild" command.

Table of Contents

Setting up a new Rush monorepo with Vercel Remote Cache

In this sequence we will configure the microsoft/rush-example repo to use the Vercel Remote Cache.

Setup Rush monorepo

npm install -g @microsoft/rush
gh repo clone microsoft/rush-example
cd rush-example

Install dependencies and build the project.

rush install
rush build

This will output the build log to the console.

Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.76.1 - https://rushjs.io
Node.js version is 16.14.2 (LTS)

Starting "rush build"

Analyzing repo state... DONE (0.08 seconds)

Executing a maximum of 10 simultaneous processes...

==[ my-toolchain ]=================================================[ 1 of 3 ]==
"my-toolchain" completed successfully in 1.39 seconds.

==[ my-controls ]==================================================[ 2 of 3 ]==
"my-controls" completed successfully in 0.89 seconds.

==[ my-app ]=======================================================[ 3 of 3 ]==
"my-app" completed successfully in 0.91 seconds.

==[ SUCCESS: 3 operations ]====================================================

These operations completed successfully:
  my-app          0.91 seconds
  my-controls     0.89 seconds
  my-toolchain    1.39 seconds

rush build (3.30 seconds)

There are 3 projects in this repo that are built with rush build. They are my-app, my-controls and my-toolchain.

Add caching

We have a Rush monorepo with 3 built projects. But the artifacts for these built projects are not cached by default. Rush supports caching build artifacts per project by configuring rush-project.json on the project.

We will add local caching to the project my-app.

Copy the following rush-project.json to apps/my-app/config/rush-project.json.

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/rush-project.schema.json",
  "operationSettings": [
      "operationName": "build",
      "outputFolderNames": ["lib"]

This is configuration is telling Rush that the outputs for the build task of my-app project are in the lib/ folder under the project's root.

Also update "buildCacheEnabled": true in common/config/rush/build-cache.json so that it matches this:

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/build-cache.schema.json",
  "buildCacheEnabled": true,
  "cacheProvider": "local-only"

Setting "buildCacheEnabled": true is enabling build caching for the Rush monorepo.

Now we can run the build command again.

rush build
Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.76.1 - https://rushjs.io
Node.js version is 16.14.2 (LTS)

Starting "rush build"

Analyzing repo state... DONE (0.08 seconds)

Executing a maximum of 10 simultaneous processes...

==[ my-toolchain ]=================================================[ 1 of 3 ]==
"my-toolchain" completed successfully in 1.00 seconds.

==[ my-controls ]==================================================[ 2 of 3 ]==
"my-controls" completed successfully in 0.63 seconds.

==[ my-app ]=======================================================[ 3 of 3 ]==
"my-app" completed successfully in 0.65 seconds.

==[ SUCCESS: 3 operations ]====================================================

These operations completed successfully:
  my-app          0.65 seconds
  my-controls     0.63 seconds
  my-toolchain    1.00 seconds

rush build (2.38 seconds)

Rush will rebuild every project since we updated the build-cache.json file. Run build again and notice the that this time, my-app's build artifacts are restored from the local cache.

rush build
Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.76.1 - https://rushjs.io
Node.js version is 16.14.2 (LTS)

Starting "rush build"

Analyzing repo state... DONE (0.08 seconds)

Executing a maximum of 10 simultaneous processes...

==[ my-toolchain ]=================================================[ 1 of 3 ]==
"my-toolchain" completed successfully in 0.97 seconds.

==[ my-controls ]==================================================[ 2 of 3 ]==
"my-controls" completed successfully in 0.64 seconds.

==[ my-app ]=======================================================[ 3 of 3 ]==
"my-app" was restored from the build cache.

==[ FROM CACHE: 1 operation ]==================================================

These operations were restored from the build cache:
  my-app    0.01 seconds

==[ SUCCESS: 2 operations ]====================================================

These operations completed successfully:
  my-controls     0.64 seconds
  my-toolchain    0.97 seconds

rush build (1.73 seconds)

Add remote caching with Vercel

Let's assume you already have a Vercel Account. For the rest of the guide you will need a Vercel Access Token and your team ID or team slug. You can create a vercel access token in your account settings. Your team ID can be found under your team settings page.

Have those handy as we'll need them to authorize your monorepo to Vercel's Remote Cache.

Download and install the @vercel/remote-rush plugin

Vercel's Remote Cache on Rush is enabled using the @vercel/remote-rush plugin. Install this plugin using Rush's autoinstaller.

rush init-autoinstaller --name rush-plugins

This creates a new npm package in common/autoinstallers/rush-plugins. Add @vercel/remote-rush as a dependency to this package.json.

  "name": "rush-plugins",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    // We added this line
    "@vercel/remote-rush": "latest"

To download the package and generate the shrinkwrap file run

rush update-autoinstaller --name rush-plugins

You will now find that @vercel/remote-rush has been downloaded and added to node_modules under common/autoinstallers/rush-plugins/node_modules/@vercel/remote-rush.

Next, register the plugin under common/config/rush/rush-plugins.json so that it's loaded when Rush executes. Update the rush-plugins.json file so it matches the following config.

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/rush-plugins.schema.json",
  "plugins": [
    // We added this entry
      "packageName": "@vercel/remote-rush",
      "pluginName": "rush-vercel-remote-cache-plugin",
      "autoinstallerName": "rush-plugins"

Finally we need to point Rush's build cache configuration to point to Vercel's Remote Cache plugin instead of the local cache. Update "cacheProvider": "vercel-remote-cache", in common/config/rush/build-cache.json so it matches the following config.

  "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/build-cache.schema.json",
  "buildCacheEnabled": true,
  "cacheProvider": "vercel-remote-cache"

Rush requires setting a config file for this plugin.

Create the folder common/config/rush-plugins

mkdir common/config/rush-plugins

In this folder add the configuration file rush-vercel-remote-cache-plugin.json that contains an empty JSON object.

  // Later we will uncomment this line and replace `<teamId>` with your 
  // Vercel team ID so you can share build artifacts with your team.
  // "teamId": "<teamId>"

To finish setting up the plugin run rush update. This command moves the rush-plugin-manifest.json in the plugin to the correct folder in your Rush monorepo.

rush update

Configuring token for the Remote Cache

If you run rush rebuild now, you'll receive an error message indicating you are missing credentials for the Vercel Remote Cache. Add your Vercel access token to your Rush project using the environment variable RUSH_BUILD_CACHE_CREDENTIAL or on you local Rush user store.

Using Environment Variables

You can set your vercel access token on the RUSH_BUILD_CACHE_CREDENTIAL environment variable which has the format <token> or <teamId>:<token>.

If the RUSH_BUILD_CACHE_CREDENTIAL has the form <teamId>:<token>, the provided <teamId> will override the teamId argument in the rush-vercel-remote-cache-plugin.json config file.

Using Rush user store

rush update-cloud-credentials --credential <token>

This command will store your Vercel access token on your Rush user store in ~/.rush-user/credentials.json. You can re-run the command to update the token.

Authenticating during a Vercel Build

When deploying your project on Vercel, your Rush project is automatically authenticated to the project owner. You do not need to set a teamId or token. The Vercel Build sets the VERCEL_ARTIFACTS_OWNER and VERCEL_ARTIFACTS_TOKEN enviroment variables which supersede this configuration.


Force the project to rebuild and upload build artifacts to Vercel's Remote Cache with rush rebuild

rush rebuild

You have a working Rush monorepo utilizing Vercel's Remote Cache.

Verify that you are utilizing Vercel's Remote Cache by deleting the local cache and building with rush build --verbose

rm -r common/temp/build-cache
rush build --verbose

Credit to Rush plugins examples




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