Favicon fetcher finds sites favicons and fetches them fast
- Test it here: https://favicon.victr.me
- On JSR: https://jsr.io/@victr/favicon-fetcher
- On NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@victr/favicon-fetcher
import favicon from '@victr/favicon-fetcher'
window.onload = async function () {
const img = document.getElementById('some-id')
const url = await favicon.text('https://github.com')
img.src = url
interface Default {
text: (query: string, options?: Options) => Promise<string>
blob: (query: string, options?: Options) => Promise<Blob>
fetch: (request: Request) => Promise<Response>
list: (query: string) => Promise<string[]>
debug: (query: string) => Promise<Debug>
interface Options {
log?: true
check?: "all" | "best" | "none"
# Build first, using Deno & tsup
deno i
deno task build
# ESM dist/index.js 8.95 KB
# ESM ⚡️ Build success in 272ms
# DTS ⚡️ Build success in 327ms
# DTS dist/index.d.ts 1.20 KB
On npmjs.com
npm publish --access public
# npm notice 📦 @victr/favicon-fetcher@x.x.x
# + @victr/favicon-fetcher@x.x.x
On jsr.io
deno publish
# Publishing @victr/favicon-fetcher@x.x.x ...
# Successfully published @victr/favicon-fetcher@x.x.x
Use can easily deploy favicon-fetcher as a worker because it uses the same export fetch()
To do so:
npm install --global wrangler
# added 173 packages in 11s
wrangler deploy ./package/src/index.ts --name favicon-fetcher --compatibility-date 2025-01-13
# Total Upload: 9.70 KiB / gzip: 3.15 KiB
# Uploaded favicon-fetcher (8.11 sec)