
2.1.0 • Public • Published

Virtuous' Unit Test Suite

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This configuration uses Jest for running the tests. It is only an extension of the default Jest configuration.



npm install --save-dev @virtuous/unit-tests


yarn add --dev @virtuous/unit-tests


All test files should follow the naming convention of *(spec|test).js. But that is not mandatory. You can also put your test files into one or multiple __tests__ folder(s).

NOTE: It is considered a best practice to create __tests__ folder(s) AND have the file endings like *.spec.js or *.test.js!

Test Setup

You have two options of how to create a configuration for Jest:

  • You can create your own configuration following the Jest Documentation
  • You can use Virtuous' pre-defined configuration and extend it as you wish.

NOTE: Using and extending the Virtuous configuration is the preferred way!

1. Using Virtuous' configuration

Create a file called jest.config.js in the root of your project. Add the following line to it:

module.exports = require('@virtuous/unit-tests/jest.config');

2. Extending Virtuous' configuration

Create a file called jest.config.js in the root of your project. Add the following line in the beginning of the file:

const defaultConfig = require('@virtuous/unit-tests/jest.config');

This will load the default configuration. Now you can extend it by spreading the defaultConfig into a newly created configuration object:

module.exports = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, {}
  [Your config goes here],

Example Configuration

Here is an example showing how to extend the default configuration:

const defaultConfig = require('@virtuous/unit-tests/jest.config');

module.exports = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, {
  moduleNameMapper: {
    '^Components(.*)$': '<rootDir>/components',
    '^Styles(.*)$': '<rootDir>/styles',

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  • flomueller
  • richardgorman