The nativescript-custom-rotors
adds easy to use properties to common {N} views to make them accessible to iOS Accessibility Custom Rotors. Accessibility Custom Rotors provide an elegant solution for screen-reader assisted navigation by associating views from various containers and geographies into a common a11y accessible group. Please see this video from Apple WWDC2020 for more information on iOS Accessibility Custom Rotors
NOTE: this plugin ONLY works on iOS. In android, the plugin functionality is ignored.
npm install @voicethread/nativescript-custom-rotors
Expanded Classes
has been expanded with the following interface:
interface RotorGroupItem {
* @property rotorGroup
* the name of the group that this view belongs to
rotorGroup: string;
* @property rotorOrder
* order within the rotor group. defaults to -1
rotorOrder: number;
and BaseLayout
have been expanded with the following interface:
interface RotorContainerView {
* @property rotorContainer
* set the view as a RotorContainer
rotorContainer: boolean;
* rotorGroups
* a map<string,Array<View>> of rotor names and associated views
rotorGroups: any;
* rotorGroupCallback
* a map<string,Callback> of rotor names and callbacks to execute
rotorGroupCallbacks: Map<string, Callback>;
* @function removeRotorItem
* removes a view from it's rotor group
removeRotorItem: (item: ViewBase) => boolean;
* @function insertRotorItem
* inserts an item into a rotor group at a specified index
insertRotorItem: (item: ViewBase, index?: number) => boolean;
* @function addRotorGroup
* adds a rotor group to a container
addRotorGroup: (name: string, items?: Array<ViewBase>) => void;
initialize the custom-rotors plugin in
import {initCustomRotors} from 'nativescript-custom-rotors'
then set a ContentView
or a BaseLayout
as a rotorContainer
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" navigatingTo="navigatingTo" class="page" rotorContainer="true" >
or, in code:
export function navigatingTo(e:NavigatedData):void {
const page = e.object as Page;
page.rotorContainer = true;
The @nativescript/custom-rotor
plugin will traverse the children of the container to create and add elements to specified groups:
<Button text="Group1 Button1" tap="{{ testIt }}" class="btn btn-primary" rotorGroup="group1"/>
<Button text="Group1 Button2" tap="{{ testIt }}" class="btn btn-primary" rotorGroup="group1"/>
<Button text="Group2 Button1" tap="{{ testIt }}" class="btn btn-primary" rotorGroup="group2"/>
<Button text="Group2 Button2" tap="{{ testIt }}" class="btn btn-primary" rotorGroup="group2"/>
Custom elements will also be traversed, so you don't need to specify rotor groups all in one .xml or .ts/.js file.
Advanced Usage
Individual elements can be part of their own rotor group, and custom handling can be provided to the CustomRotor. Consider a widget used to provide a rating for an item (inspired by this tutorial on ios CustomRotors.
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" navigatingTo="navigatingTo" class="page" rotorContainer="true" >
<GridLayout id="rating-bar" rows="90, *" columns="*,*,*,*,*" accessible="true" rotorGroup="rating" row="1" col="1">
<GridLayout class='rating-item' row="1" col="0">
<Label class='rating-text' horizontalAlignment='center' verticalAlignment='middle' text="1" />
<GridLayout class='rating-item' row="1" col="1">
<Label class='rating-text' horizontalAlignment='center' verticalAlignment='middle' text="2" />
<GridLayout class='rating-item' row="1" col="2">
<Label class='rating-text' horizontalAlignment='center' verticalAlignment='middle' text="3" />
<GridLayout class='rating-item' row="1" col="3">
<Label class='rating-text' horizontalAlignment='center' verticalAlignment='middle' text="4" />
<GridLayout class='rating-item' row="1" col="4">
<Label class='rating-text' horizontalAlignment='center' verticalAlignment='middle' text="5" />
<Label class='rating-desc' color="blue" text="dial rotor to 'rating' then flick up and down to change the rating" row="0" col="0" colSpan="5" textWrap="true"/>
The rating
rotor group functionality can be handled using something like this:
export function navigatingTo(d: NavigatedData): void {
const page = d.object as Page;
page.rotorGroupCallbacks.set('rating', ({ forward }) => {
incrementOrDecrementRating(page, forward);
let rating = 0;
function incrementOrDecrementRating(page: Page, increment: boolean): void {
rating = increment ? Math.min(rating + 1, 5) : Math.max(0, rating - 1);
const ratingBar = page.getViewById('rating-bar') as GridLayout;
for (let i = 0; i < ratingBar.getChildrenCount(); i++) {
const view = ratingBar.getChildAt(i);
view.backgroundColor = i < rating ? 'green' : 'transparent';
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