Bring your own icons to Angular with Ease
Are you tired of relying on the same old icons in your Angular projects? Look no further than NgxIcons! This package allows you to easily use your own custom icons in your Angular applications. Check out this demo to see what NgxIcons can do for you.
For a quick start please go here
Table of Contents
Getting started with NgxIcons is a breeze. Simply run the following command:
Note: I strongly suggest to install the @vonlof/generate-icons first before you use this package.
npm install @vonlof/ngx-icons
Or, if you prefer yarn:
yarn add @vonlof/ngx-icons
There are two ways to use this component, Import it as module, or use it as a standalone.
Use as module
You can provide the options for you icons with forRoot()
or with a provider:
import { NgxIconModule, provideIconOptions } from '@vonlof/ngx-icons';
import { myAwesomeMissingIcon, myAwesomeGlobalIcon } from './my-icons';
declarations: [AppComponent],
// 1. Use with forRoot()
imports: [
missingIcon: myAwesomeMissingIcon,
icons: [myAwesomeGlobalIcon],
// 2. Or directly with a provider
providers: [
missingIcon: myAwesomeMissingIcon,
icons: [myAwesomeGlobalIcon],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
And then for lazy loaded modules add your icons like so:
import { NgxIconModule, provideIcons } from '@vonlof/ngx-icons';
import { myAwesomeLazyIcon } from './my-icons';
declarations: [LazyComponent],
// 1. Use with forChild()
imports: [NgxIconModule.forChild([myAwesomeLazyIcon])],
// 2. Or directly with a provider
providers: [provideIcons([myAwesomeLazyIcon])],
export class LazyLoadedModule {}
Use as standalone
Set icon options in main.ts
import { NgxIconModule, provideIconOptions } from '@vonlof/ngx-icons';
import { myAwesomeMissingIcon, myAwesomeGlobalIcon } from './my-icons';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
missingIcon: myAwesomeMissingIcon,
icons: [myAwesomeGlobalIcon],
To lazy load icons add the following to your routes, for example:
import { NgxIconModule, provideIcons } from '@vonlof/ngx-icons';
import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'lazy',
loadComponent: () =>
import('./lazy/lazy.component').then((c) => c.LazyComponent),
providers: [provideIcons([myAwesomeLazyIcon])],
Use the component like so:
<ngx-icon name="my-awesome-icon"></ngx-icon>
To change the size color etc. Just use classes/style directly on the component. F.e. with tailwindCSS:
<ngx-icon name="my-awesome-icon" class="h-12 text-blue-500"></ngx-icon>
@Input() name: NgxIconTypes;
NgxIconTypes are the types located in node_modules/@vonlof/ngx-icons/lib/types.d.ts
. These types wil be updated/generated if you use @vonlof/generate-icons