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0.4.3 • Public • Published


Toolkit to handle async operations in Vue.

This is the core library of vue-kakuyaku project.



npm install @vue-kakuyaku/core


Atomic Promise State

The core primitive type of the library is PromiseStateAtomic<T>. It describes all possible states of a Promise at a given time in type-safe and exclusive manner.

PromiseStateAtomic<T> is a set of mutually exclusive invariants:

type PromiseStateAtomic<T> =
  // empty (uninitialised)
  | { rejected: null; fulfilled: null; pending: false }
  // pending
  | { rejected: null; fulfilled: null; pending: true }
  // fulfilled
  | { rejected: null; fulfilled: { value: T }; pending: false }
  // rejected
  | { rejected: { reason: unknown }; fulfilled: null; pending: false }

Compared to other libraries that work with promises, PromiseStateAtomic<T> is type-safe for the following reasons:

  • Empty fulfilled and rejected states are easily distinguished. You don't need to guess if state.fulfilled === null means that the promise is not fulfilled yet or if it is resolved with null value. state.fulfilled is null | { some: T }, so if there is some state.fulfilled, then the promise is fulfilled. Same for state.rejected.
  • rejected.reason is an unknown, not an Error or unsafe any, which is how JavaScript works: anything could be thrown.

PromiseStateAtomic<T> is exclusive because at any given moment promise is either pending, rejected, fulfilled or empty, and not a mix of them. Thus, TypeScript narrows types on assertions:

declare const state: PromiseStateAtomic<string>

if (state.pending) {
  // No error: TypeScript narrows the types of
  // `rejected` and `fulfilled`
  const a: null = state.rejected || state.fulfilled

Let's proceed to the utilities built around PromiseStateAtomic<T>.

Basics with usePromise()

This composable returns a basic reactive model over a promise you put into it:

import { computed } from 'vue'

async function getString() {
  return '42'

const { state, set, clear } = usePromise<string>()

// `state` is a reactive object
// initially it is an empty state
const isPending = computed(() => state.pending)

// passing a `Promise<string>`

// forget the currently tracked promise if there is any

usePromise<T>() composable returns:

  • Reactive state (PromiseStateAtomic<T>)
  • The method to set a promise (set(promise: Promise<T>)) so its state is reflected in state
  • The method to clear (clear()) the composable to the initial empty state

Note: if a new promise is set while the previous one is pending, the result of the previous promise is ignored.

Repetitive action with useTask()

This composable is almost like usePromise(), but it accepts an async non-parametrised function in it to repeat it over and over again. It is useful when the action is not based on any input parameters (at least within a scope).

const { state, run, clear } = useTask(async () => {
  await delay(300)
  return 42

// this callback does not accept any parameters

The task could be run immediately if the options are passed:

const task1 = useTask(fn, {
  immediate: true,

// equivalent to

const task2 = useTask(fn)

You might ask: why not accept parameters in run(...args) and forward them into the async function? TypeScript is not good at extracting parameter types, especially for overloaded functions. This means that if there are reactive parameters, it is better to use scopes.

Watcher shorthands for the state

There are the following shorthands:

  • wheneverFulfilled
  • wheneverRejected
  • wheneverDone

They are just simple wrappers around Vue's watch.

declare const state: PromiseStateAtomic<{ foo: 'bar' }>

wheneverFulfilled(state, ({ foo }) => {
  console.log('Guess what "foo" is:', foo)

  (reason) => {
    console.error('Whoops:', reason)
    // default `watch` options
    flush: 'sync',

wheneverDone(state, (result) => {
  if (result.rejected) {
    // TS narrowing works here as well
  } else {

Each watcher accepts options which are identical to the options that watch accepts.

Flatten the state with flattenState()

Sometimes there is a need to reduce verbosity while accessing PromiseStateAtomic<T>'s fulfilled and rejected fields:

declare const state: PromiseStateAtomic<{ bar: 'baz' }>

if (state.fulfilled) {
  const baz = state.fulfilled.value.bar

In this example, there is no need for fulfilled to be null | { value: { bar: 'baz' } } in order to distinguish empty fulfilled state from the existing one. It would be enough to use null | { bar: 'baz' }.

For such a case, the state could be reactively flattened when there is no need for nested fulfilled.value and rejected.reason fields:

const flattenedState = flattenState(state)

if (flattenedState.fulfilled) {
  const baz = state.fulfilled.bar

You can pass mode argument to control which fields are flattened:

// `all`, `fulfilled` (default) and `rejected` are accepted
flattenState(state, 'all')

Retry on error with useErrorRetry()

This composable watches for the promise's state. If it is rejected, the composable invokes the callback (assuming that it will trigger the state to refresh) for a given number of times with a given interval.

const { state, run } = useTask(
  async () => {
    if (Math.random() > 0.5) throw new Error('bad luck')
  { immediate: true },

useErrorRetry(state, () => run(), {
  // default - 5
  count: 10,
  // default - 5000
  interval: 300,

Stale if error with useStaleState()

This composable is a tiny and lightweight implementation of stale-while-revalidate pattern. In short, it is about caching and using successful result while the state of async task is revalidating, even with failures.

declare const state: PromiseStateAtomic<string>

const staleState = useStaleState(state)

The atomic state is converted to the staleState that is of type PromiseStaleState<T>:

interface PromiseStaleState<T> {
  fulfilled: null | { value: T }
  rejected: null | { reason: unknown }
  pending: boolean
  fresh: boolean

When the atomic state becomes fulfilled, the stale state updates its fulfilled value and removes the last rejection reason if there was any. When the atomic state becomes rejected, the stale state only updates the rejection reason without touching the last fulfilled value.

PromiseStaleState<T> type is not exclusive: the stale state might have a fulfilled value, a rejection reason and be pending at the same time. You might think of it as of a PromiseStateAtomic<T> with memory about its previous executions.

This utility might be useful in simple scenarios. However, it cannot be compared to libraries such as Kong/swrv or ConsoleTVs/vswr, which implement SWR pattern in a much more comprehensive way. However, these libraries have their own drawbacks. Thus, @vue-kakuyaku/swr is planned to be a competitive solution.

Set up an async action in separate scope with useDeferredScope()

When it comes to modelling async actions within a component (or any other reactive scope), it might become a mess if an action's lifetime is not the same as the lifetime of the component. The action might be initialised on one event and be discarded on another. During the component's setup stage, you might need to set up reactive logic around this action, such as timers, retrying, or showing notifications.

Fortunately, Vue provides API for creating your own scopes! With them, you can isolate async actions and their reactive logic within a dedicated scope, which you can set up and dispose at any time. useDeferredScope<T>() does exactly this.

Check this example to see how it works:

interface Params {
  username: string
  password: string

const {
  // it is a `Ref<null | { expose: T }>, where `expose` is
  // what is returned from the scope's setup function
  scope: loginScope,

  setup: loginSetup,
  dispose: cleanLogin,
} = useDeferredScope<{
  isOk: Ref<boolean>
  retry: () => void
  // sometimes we want to know the exact params of the last login
  params: Params

function doLogin(params: Params) {
  // if the scope is already set up, it will be disposed
  loginSetup(() => {
    // during this function we can setup any reactive logic and
    // be sure that it will be cleared automatically on scope dispose

    const { state, run } = useTask(() => httpLogin(params), {
      immediate: true,

    const isOk = computed(() => !!state.fulfilled)

    return { isOk, params, retry: run }

const isLoginOk = computed(
  () => loginScope.value?.expose.isOk ?? false,

function retryLogin() {

We follow existing Vue semantics around the expose keyword.

This utility is a bit low-level. One of the very common cases when this utility is not very useful is when you need to set up an async action based on reactive parameters. The next section provides a solution for this scenario.

Reactively parametrised scope with useParamScope()

Consider the following common scenario: you have a reactive userId and you need to fetch user data for the given ID. Additionally, you might need to set up some reactive logic around it.

Here is how it might look when you use useParamScope():

const userId = ref(1)

const scope = useParamScope(
  // reactive key - a ref or a getter

  // setup function, that accepts the resolved key for the scope
  (staticUserId) => {
    const { state, run } = useTask(
      () => fetch(`/users/${staticUserId}`),
      { immediate: true },

    useErrorRetry(state, run)
    const staleState = useStaleState(state)

    return staleState

const userData = computed(() => scope.value.expose.fulfilled?.value)

Whenever a reactive key is changed, the existing scope is disposed, and the new one is set up. The reactive keys should be primitive keys: number | string | symbol | boolean.

The key might be composed, i.e. have a non-primitive payload associated with the primitive value:

const params = reactive({ length: 5, width: 1 })

const scope = useParamScope(
  () => ({
    // `key` is the source of truth for tracking changes
    // if `payload` is changed on re-computation, but `key` is not,
    // the change will be ignored
    key: `${params.length}-${params.width}`,
    payload: { ...params },
  ({ payload: params }) => {
    // ...

The key might be boolean if you only need to toggle the scope's existence:

const enabled = ref(false)

useParamScope(enabled, () => {
  useIntervalFn(() => console.log('I am alive!!!'), 300)


delay(ms: number):

await delay(500)


const promise = deferred<number>()

promise.then((x) => {
  console.log('Number:', x)


Why the name?

"Kakuyaku" (確約) means "Promise" in Japanese.

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