Help you quickly upgrade from Vue2 to Vue3. Provide CLI tools, it is convenient for you to operate in terminal. Provide friendly example, it is convenient for you to quickly understand this function.
✈️ Support Features
- [ ] vue script
- [x] data
- [x] ref
- [x] reactive
- [x] props
- [x] defineProps
- [x] setup(props)
- [x] watch
- [x] computed
- [x] methods
- [x] filters
- [x] emit
- [x] defineEmits
- [x] setup(props, { emit })
- [x] lifecycle
- [x] beforeCreate
- [x] created
- [x] beforeMount
- [x] mounted
- [x] beforeUpdate
- [x] updated
- [x] errorCaptured
- [x] renderTracked
- [x] renderTriggered
- [x] beforeDestroy
- [x] destroyed
- [x] activated
- [x] deactivated
- [ ] vuex
- [ ] mapState
- [ ] mapGetters
- [x] mapMutations
- [x] mapActions
- [ ] vuex 4.x
- [x] useStore
- [ ] pinia
- [ ] useStore
- [ ] ……
- [x] data
- [ ] vuex
- [ ] vuex 4.x
- [ ] pinia