WATI.io Dialogflow WhatsApp Adapter
This Dialogflow WhatsApp adapter allows you to add an additional endpoint to your bot for connect to the Whatsapp channel and get the response from Dialogflow.
node --version
WhatsApp Business API for Developers https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/
Apply through WhatsApp Solution Partner e.g. WATI.io
To run the package, run npm install with the full path to your package directory:
npm install @wati.io/dialogflow-adapter-whatsapp
get the Dialogflow token from google cloud (go the Google Cloud Platform to enable the Dialogflow API and downland the API token JSON file)
save the token json file to root directory
save the the path of the token file to env variable
, we suggest you use dotenv and save it to the .env file
process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = "C:\Users\user\xxx\xxx\xxx\NewAgent-xxxxx.json"
const WhatsAppAdapter = require('@wati.io/dialogflow-adapter-whatsapp');
- get the user request from whatsapp
const wsAdapter = new WhatsAppAdapter({
endpoint: 'https://whatsapp-apixxxxxx',// whatsapp endpoint
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', //The token you get from /v1/users/login, it will be used by default
password: 'Basic xxxxxxxxxxx', //Basic base64(username:password) , it will be use to get the token from /v1/users/login, if you let `token` empty
projectId: projectId, // your Dialogflow projectId
sessionId: sessionId, // session of this conversation, e.g. 123456
languageCode: languageCode //e.g. en, https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/reference/language
// WhatsApp endpoint
server.post('/api/whatsapp/messages', (req, res) => {
wsAdapter.processActivity(req, res).then(async (context) => {
console.log("user say: " + context.activity.text.body)
await context.sendActivity("echo: " + context.activity.text.body);
// get the response of the Dialogflow
await wsAdapter.getIntent(queries).then(async (replyText) => {
await context.sendActivity(replyText);