TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.6.22 • Public • Published


This API is a client for ATProtocol servers. It communicates using HTTP. It includes:

  • ✔️ APIs for ATProto and Bluesky.
  • ✔️ Validation and complete typescript types.
  • ✔️ Session management.
  • ✔️ A RichText library.

Getting started

First install the package:

yarn add @atproto/api

Then in your application:

import { BskyAgent } from '@atproto/api'

const agent = new BskyAgent({ service: 'https://example.com' })


Session management

Log into a server or create accounts using these APIs. You'll need an active session for most methods.

import { BskyAgent, AtpSessionEvent, AtpSessionData } from '@atproto/api'

// configure connection to the server, without account authentication
const agent = new BskyAgent({
  service: 'https://example.com',
  persistSession: (evt: AtpSessionEvent, sess?: AtpSessionData) => {
    // store the session-data for reuse

// create a new account on the server
await agent.createAccount({
  email: 'alice@mail.com',
  password: 'hunter2',
  handle: 'alice.example.com',
  inviteCode: 'some-code-12345-abcde',

// if an existing session (accessed with 'agent.session') was securely stored previously, then reuse that
await agent.resumeSession(savedSessionData)

// if no old session was available, create a new one by logging in with password (App Password)
await agent.login({ identifier: 'alice@mail.com', password: 'hunter2' })

API calls

The agent includes methods for many common operations, including:

// Feeds and content
await agent.getTimeline(params, opts)
await agent.getAuthorFeed(params, opts)
await agent.getPostThread(params, opts)
await agent.getPost(params)
await agent.getPosts(params, opts)
await agent.getLikes(params, opts)
await agent.getRepostedBy(params, opts)
await agent.post(record)
await agent.deletePost(postUri)
await agent.like(uri, cid)
await agent.deleteLike(likeUri)
await agent.repost(uri, cid)
await agent.deleteRepost(repostUri)
await agent.uploadBlob(data, opts)

// Social graph
await agent.getFollows(params, opts)
await agent.getFollowers(params, opts)
await agent.follow(did)
await agent.deleteFollow(followUri)

// Actors
await agent.getProfile(params, opts)
await agent.upsertProfile(updateFn)
await agent.getProfiles(params, opts)
await agent.getSuggestions(params, opts)
await agent.searchActors(params, opts)
await agent.searchActorsTypeahead(params, opts)
await agent.mute(did)
await agent.unmute(did)

// Notifications
await agent.listNotifications(params, opts)
await agent.countUnreadNotifications(params, opts)
await agent.updateSeenNotifications()

// Identity
await agent.resolveHandle(params, opts)
await agent.updateHandle(params, opts)

// Session management
await agent.createAccount(params)
await agent.login(params)
await agent.resumeSession(session)

Validation and types

The package includes a complete types system which includes validation and type-guards. For example, to validate a post record:

import { AppBskyFeedPost } from '@atproto/api'

const post = {...}
if (AppBskyFeedPost.isRecord(post)) {
  // typescript now recognizes `post` as a AppBskyFeedPost.Record
  // however -- we still need to validate it
  const res = AppBskyFeedPost.validateRecord(post)
  if (res.success) {
    // a valid record
  } else {
    // something is wrong

Rich text

Some records (ie posts) use the app.bsky.richtext lexicon. At the moment richtext is only used for links and mentions, but it will be extended over time to include bold, italic, and so on.

ℹ️ It is strongly recommended to use this package's RichText library. Javascript encodes strings in utf16 while the protocol (and most other programming environments) use utf8. Converting between the two is challenging, but RichText handles that for you.

import { RichText } from '@atproto/api'

// creating richtext
const rt = new RichText({
  text: 'Hello @alice.com, check out this link: https://example.com',
await rt.detectFacets(agent) // automatically detects mentions and links
const postRecord = {
  $type: 'app.bsky.feed.post',
  text: rt.text,
  facets: rt.facets,
  createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),

// rendering as markdown
let markdown = ''
for (const segment of rt.segments()) {
  if (segment.isLink()) {
    markdown += `[${segment.text}](${segment.link?.uri})`
  } else if (segment.isMention()) {
    markdown += `[${segment.text}](https://my-bsky-app.com/user/${segment.mention?.did})`
  } else {
    markdown += segment.text

// calculating string lengths
const rt2 = new RichText({ text: 'Hello' })
console.log(rt2.length) // => 5
console.log(rt2.graphemeLength) // => 5
const rt3 = new RichText({ text: '👨‍👩‍👧‍👧' })
console.log(rt3.length) // => 25
console.log(rt3.graphemeLength) // => 1


Applying the moderation system is a challenging task, but we've done our best to simplify it for you. The Moderation API helps handle a wide range of tasks, including:

  • User muting (including mutelists)
  • User blocking
  • Moderator labeling

For more information, see the Moderation Documentation or the associated Labels Reference.

import { moderatePost, moderateProfile } from '@atproto/api'

// We call the appropriate moderation function for the content
// =

const postMod = moderatePost(postView, getOpts())
const profileMod = moderateProfile(profileView, getOpts())

// We then use the output to decide how to affect rendering
// =

if (postMod.content.filter) {
  // dont render in feeds or similar
  // in contexts where this is disruptive (eg threads) you should ignore this and instead check blur
if (postMod.content.blur) {
  // render the whole object behind a cover (use postMod.content.cause to explain)
  if (postMod.content.noOverride) {
    // do not allow the cover the be removed
if (postMod.content.alert) {
  // render a warning on the content (use postMod.content.cause to explain)
if (postMod.embed.blur) {
  // render the embedded media behind a cover (use postMod.embed.cause to explain)
  if (postMod.embed.noOverride) {
    // do not allow the cover the be removed
if (postMod.embed.alert) {
  // render a warning on the embedded media (use postMod.embed.cause to explain)
if (postMod.avatar.blur) {
  // render the avatar behind a cover
if (postMod.avatar.alert) {
  // render an alert on the avatar

// The options passed into `apply()` supply the user's preferences
// =

function getOpts() {
  return {
    // the logged-in user's DID
    userDid: 'did:plc:1234...',

    // is adult content allowed?
    adultContentEnabled: true,

    // the global label settings (used on self-labels)
    labels: {
      porn: 'hide',
      sexual: 'warn',
      nudity: 'ignore',
      // ...

    // the per-labeler settings
    labelers: [
        labeler: {
          did: '...',
          displayName: 'My mod service',
        labels: {
          porn: 'hide',
          sexual: 'warn',
          nudity: 'ignore',
          // ...


Advanced API calls

The methods above are convenience wrappers. It covers most but not all available methods.

The AT Protocol identifies methods and records with reverse-DNS names. You can use them on the agent as well:

const res1 = await agent.com.atproto.repo.createRecord({
  did: alice.did,
  collection: 'app.bsky.feed.post',
  record: {
    $type: 'app.bsky.feed.post',
    text: 'Hello, world!',
    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
const res2 = await agent.com.atproto.repo.listRecords({
  repo: alice.did,
  collection: 'app.bsky.feed.post',

const res3 = await agent.app.bsky.feed.post.create(
  { repo: alice.did },
    text: 'Hello, world!',
    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
const res4 = await agent.app.bsky.feed.post.list({ repo: alice.did })

Generic agent

If you want a generic AT Protocol agent without methods related to the Bluesky social lexicon, use the AtpAgent instead of the BskyAgent.

import { AtpAgent } from '@atproto/api'

const agent = new AtpAgent({ service: 'https://example.com' })

Non-browser configuration

In non-browser environments you'll need to specify a fetch polyfill. See the example react-native polyfill here.

import { BskyAgent } from '@atproto/api'

const agent = new BskyAgent({ service: 'https://example.com' })

// provide a custom fetch implementation (shouldnt be needed in node or the browser)
import {
} from '@atproto/api'
  async fetch(
    httpUri: string,
    httpMethod: string,
    httpHeaders: AtpAgentFetchHeaders,
    httpReqBody: any,
  ): Promise<AtpAgentFetchHandlerResponse> {
    // insert definition here...
    return { status: 200 /*...*/ }





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