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Shareable Secretlint Config

📄 About

Shareable configuration for Secretlint — a tool for linting and fixing secrets in your codebase.

The configuration provides a set of rules and settings that can be easily shared and reused across different projects, reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed to set up Secretlint in each project.

→ Purpose

Simplify the process of setting up Secretlint in a project by providing a pre-configured set of rules and settings. This package can be useful for developers who want to:

  • Use Secretlint in their project but don't want to spend time configuring it from scratch
  • Share Secretlint configuration across multiple projects
  • Avoid maintaining and updating Secretlint configuration in every project manually

The configuration includes a set of preconfigured rules, such as @secretlint/secretlint-rule-preset-recommend, that check for common mistakes and prevent secrets from being accidentally committed to the repository.

💿 Installation

To use Secretlint with @wayofdev/secretlint-config in a mono-repository, you can install them at the root level and configure it to lint only the packages that require it. Follow these steps:

  1. Install secretlint and @wayofdev/secretlint-config as development dependencies at the root of your mono-repository using the package manager of your choice (npm, yarn, pnpm, etc.). For example, using pnpm:

    pnpm add -Dw secretlint @wayofdev/secretlint-config
  2. Create a .secretlintrc.json configuration file in the root of your mono-repository with the following content:

      "rules": {},
      "rulesConfig": {},
      "plugins": [],
      "processor": "",
      "noDefaultConfig": true,
      "configs": {
        "@wayofdev/secretlint-config": true
      "ignore": [],
      "include": [

    In this example, Secretlint is configured to use the @wayofdev/secretlint-config package as its configuration, and to lint only the directories in the packages and apps folders of the mono-repository.

    You can adjust the include and exclude patterns to match your specific mono-repository structure and exclude files or directories that don't need to be linted.

  3. Add a linting script to the scripts section of the package.json file at the root of your mono-repository:

    pnpm pkg set scripts.lint:secrets="secretlint"

    This will add the lint:secrets script to the scripts section of your package.json.

That's it! You can now run the lint:secrets script to lint the relevant packages in your mono-repository.

→ Add Pre-commit Hook

To automatically lint files with Secretlint before committing them, you can use lint-staged and add it to your pre-commit hook. Here's how:

  1. Follow the installation instructions for lint-staged in the @wayofdev/lint-staged-config package. This package provides a pre-configured lint-staged configuration that includes Husky and other tools.

  2. Add the following configuration to a lint-staged.config.js file at the root of your mono-repository:

    module.exports = {
      '*': 'secretlint',

    This will configure lint-staged to run Secretlint on all staged files in your mono-repository.

🤝 License


🧱 Credits and Useful Resources

Based on:

Related projects:

This package builds on the work of others to provide a pre-configured Secretlint configuration that can be easily shared and reused across different projects. The related projects listed above may also be useful for integrating Secretlint into your project, particularly if you're using Git and want to automatically run Secretlint before committing changes.

🙆🏼‍♂️ Author Information

This repository was created in 2023 by lotyp / wayofdev.

🙌 Want to Contribute?

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  • 🤔 Suggest a feature
  • 🐛 Report an issue
  • 📖 Improve documentation
  • 👨‍💻 Contribute to the code

You are more than welcome. Before contributing, kindly check our guidelines.

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  • lotyp