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1.0.6 • Public • Published


Wrapper over the Chrome and Browser storage API that aims to provide a straight forward approach of using the storage API.

For example chrome.storage.local.get on chrome uses a callback while on firefox returns a promise, this wrapper will return a promise for both of them.

How to use


All the available interfaces will be presented bellow in an explicit way.

export type BasicTypes = string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | boolean[];
export type StorageAvailableTypes = BasicTypes | StorageObjectType | StorageObjectType[];

// Represents an object with random keys that can have as value a basic type, an object like itself or an array of objects like itself.
export interface StorageObjectType {
    [key: string]: BasicTypes | StorageObjectType | StorageObjectType[];


All the available enums will be presented bellow:

export const enum StorageType {
    Local = 'local',
    Sync = 'sync',
    Managed = 'managed'
// used as a normal object with properties
// or with just the string

Available APIs

This set of functions aims to reduce the clutter in your code providing a straight forward approach of using the storage. All the functions will return a promise whenever possible.

Save to storage


function saveManyToLocalStorage(data: StorageObjectType);
function saveManyToSyncStorage(data: StorageObjectType);
function saveToLocalStorage(key: string, data: StorageAvailableTypes);
function saveToSyncStorage(key: string, data: StorageAvailableTypes);
function saveToStorage(key: string, data: StorageAvailableTypes, type: StorageType);
function saveManyToStorage(data: StorageObjectType, type: StorageType);


function saveManyToLocalStorage(data)
function saveManyToSyncStorage(data)
function saveToLocalStorage(key, data)
function saveToSyncStorage(key, data)
function saveToStorage(key, data, type)
function saveManyToStorage(data, type)


    secretKey: 'secret value saved in local storage',
    obj: {
        date: '20/2/2020',
        value: 100,
        isItTrue: true
    secretKey: 'secret value synced across devices',
    obj: {
        date: '20/2/2020',
        value: 100,
        isItTrue: true
saveToLocalStorage('secretKey', 'secret value synced across devices');
saveToSyncStorage('secretKey', 'secret value synced across devices'); // with string
saveToSyncStorage('obj', {
    date: '20/2/2020',
    value: 100,
    isItTrue: true

        date: '20/2/2020',
        value: 100,
        isItTrue: true

        date: '20/2/2020',
        value: 100,
        isItTrue: true

        secretKey: 'secret value synced across devices',
        obj: {
            date: '20/2/2020',
            value: 100,
            isItTrue: true

// you can also chain actions using then. Take care, the promise returns void
saveToLocalStorage('secretKey', 'secret value synced across devices').then(() => {
    // action

Remove from storage


function removeAllLocalStorage();
function removeAllSyncStorage();
function removeFromLocalStorage(keys: string | string[]);
function removeFromSyncStorage(keys: string | string[]);
function removeFromStorage(keys?: string | string[], type: StorageType);


function removeAllLocalStorage()
function removeAllSyncStorage()
function removeFromLocalStorage(keys)
function removeFromSyncStorage(keys)
function removeFromStorage(keys, type)



removeFromSyncStorage(['secretKey', 'obj']);

removeFromStorage('obj', StorageType.Sync);
removeFromStorage(['secretKey', 'obj'], StorageType.Sync);

// you can also chain actions using then. Take care, the promise returns void
removeAllLocalStorage().then(() => {
    // action

Save to storage


function getAllLocalStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>();
function getAllSyncStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>();
function getAllManagedStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>();
function getFromLocalStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>(keys: string | string[]);
function getFromSyncStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>(keys: string | string[]);
function getFromManagedStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>(keys: string | string[]);
function getFromStorage<T = StorageAvailableTypes>(keys?: string | string[], type: StorageType): Promise<StorageObjectType<T>>;


function getAllLocalStorage()
function getAllSyncStorage()
function getAllManagedStorage()
function getFromLocalStorage(keys)
function getFromSyncStorage(keys)
function getFromManagedStorage(keys)
function getFromStorage(keys, type)


// All functions return a promise with an object that contains the searched key and the value.
getAllLocalStorage().then((allLocalStorage) => {
getAllSyncStorage().then((x) => {
getAllManagedStorage().then((x) => {
getFromLocalStorage('secretKey').then((x) => {
getFromLocalStorage(['secretKey', 'obj']).then((x) => {
getFromSyncStorage('secretKey').then((x) => {
getFromManagedStorage('secretKey').then((x) => {
getFromStorage('secretKey', StorageType.Sync).then((x) => {

// Using async/await
const allLocalStorage = await getAllLocalStorage();

// Using generics
getFromLocalStorage<{ secretKey: string }>('secretKey').then((x) => {

type StoredObject = {
    date: string;
    value: number;
    isItTrue: boolean;
getFromLocalStorage<StoredObject>('obj').then((x) => {
const storedObjectFromLocalStorage = await getFromLocalStorage<StoredObject>('obj');

Importing the library

This library is available both as an unminified ES6 module and as a minfied libraries created by webpack.

  • Using the unminified ES6 module each individual functions can be imported own their own. This is very useful if you use modern TS/JS, especially with a bundling system that can remove unused functions.
import { onMessage } from '@wbet/message-api/message-receiver';
  • The minified libraries are compatible with ES6, AMD, CommonJS and the script tag.
// import using CommonJS(in nodeJS)
const storageApi = require('@wbet/storage-api');

// import using AMD
require(['storageApi'], (storageApi) => {
    // ...

// import using ES6 modules
import * as storageApi from '@wbet/storage-api';
// import using the script tag - importing minified UML - I will use relative paths to exemplify
<script src="./dist/umd/index.min.js"></script>
    // The 'storageApi' library is added as a property to the window object
    // ...

// import using the script tag - importing minified script from the Web folder - I will use relative paths to exemplify
<script src="./dist/web/index.min.js"></script>
     // The 'storageApi' library is saved in a global variable

// if you want to load the script from a CDN you can use
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@wbet/storage-api/dist/umd/index.min.js"></script>

// or
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@wbet/storage-api/dist/web/index.min.js"></script>

Final note

This library will be improved over time with APIs like connect and sendNativeMessage.

If you found any bug please open an issue and it will be addressed as soon as humanly possible.

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