
1.12.0 • Public • Published

📢 Tannoy (Tny)

Simple terminal message outputting tool.

🖨 Printing messages

Tny.message(message, options)

Prints a message to the terminal.

{Array|String} message - Message to output, each item in the array is printed on a newline.


  • {Boolean} after - Add empty newline after message, defaults to true
  • {Boolean} before - Add empty newline before message, defaults to false
  • {Boolean} empty - Clear terminal, defaults to false
  • {Boolean} newline - Set to false to prevent moving cursor to newline, overrides after when false


These are tags which are dynamically replaced when generating the terminal message.

  • {{basis version}} - Replaced with current Basis version in its package.json
  • {{canvas version}} - Replaced with current Canvas version in its package.json
  • {{library version}} - Replaced with current Canvas Library Tools version in its package.json
  • {{storybook version}} - Replaced with current Canvas Storybook Tools version in its package.json

Tny.clear({ clear, move })

Moves the cursor and clears the terminal.


  • {String} clear.direction - Direction to clear in, accepts all, before, or after.
  • {String} clear.type - Type of clear, accepts screen or line.


  • {String} move.direction - Direction to move, accepts up, down, right, or left.
  • {Number} move.lines - Number of lines to move.

🎨 Formatting messages

Tny.colour(colour, string)

Returns provided string with selected colour based on value of colour. Does not output the string, you must use message() or add() for this.

colour supports the following strings as values:

Text Text (bright) Background
black brightBlack bgBlack
red brightRed bgRed
green brightGreen bgGreen
yellow brightYellow bgYellow
blue brightBlue bgBlue
magenta brightMagenta bgMagenta
cyan brightCyan bgCyan
white brightWhite bgWhite

Note: When using background colour values the text colour is automatically set to the most contrasting (usually black).

Loading spinner


Starts a spinner that shows each frame with a message.


  • {Array} frames - Each item in array is used as a frame in the animation
  • {Number} interval - Time in ms between each frame, defaults to 100
  • {String} message - Message to display after animation frame
  • {Object} states - Contains the messages for various states which are accessed by the value of state in Tny.spinner.stop(state)


Stops the spinner and replaces it with the message defined in states using state as the key to find it.

E.g. if states contained values for success and error then using Tny.spinner.stop('success') would display the success message.

🕑 Time

Tny.time(start, end)

Returns time taken with appropriate clock emoji where start is start time (or time taken in ms) and end is end time, both times should be ms from unix epoch.

📅 Changelog

See CHANGELOG.md for a history of changes.

🤝 Contribution

Before making any updates to Tannoy please talk to Craig Baldwin (craig@wemakewebsites.com)

Once any work is completed send a pull request to Craig for review.




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  • craigbaldwin
  • danngofett
  • achipperfield