
2.5.5 • Public • Published


Easily add transitions between pages. Either use the built in types like fade or slide, or add your own custom transition.


npm install @wearejust/transition --save


var Transition = require('@wearejust/transition');


Transition will initialize automatically, but if you want to change any of it's options, use the init method.

    defaultTarget: '#container'
Key Values Default Description
defaultTarget string, null null Default target. Null uses the body
defaultType string fade Default transition type
error string, function reload Error callback. Use 'reload' to reload the page or call your own function
exclude string, null null Items to exclude from parsing. Can also use 'no-transition' class
lazyLoad string, null source,iframe Removes sources in loaded data and restores after the transition
parseOnInit boolean true Parse document for items on init


Changes the contents of the target, instead of the whole body.

 <a data-transition-target="yourtarget"></a>
 <div data-transition-id="yourtarget"></div>

Transition types

There are several transition types built in. The default fade can be changed in the options.

Name Description
fade Fade out old, fade in new
slide Same as slide-left
slide-left Place new content on the right and slide to the left
slide-right Place new content on the left and slide to the right

Every item can have it's own transition type with a data atribute.

<a href="" data-transition-type="fade">Fade</a>
<a href="" data-transition-type="slide">Slide</a>

Adding custom type 'yourtype':

<a href="" data-transition-type="yourtype"></a>
Transition.types.yourtype = {
    replace: true,                          // Replaces the content after load. Set to false to use previous content in transition, like when sliding
    scrollToTop: true,                      // Scrolls to the top after placing the content
    before: function(target, callback) {    // Before starting
        callback();                         // Call once done to continue to start
    start: function(target, callback) {     // Before loading
        callback();                         // Call once done to continue to load
    place: function(target, content) {     // Custom placing of the content, default is null
    end: function(target, callback) {       // After loading
        callback();                         // Call once done to continue to after
    after: function(target, callback) {     // After end
        callback();                         // Call once done to complete


Events are triggered on every step during the transition. Use the on method to trigger an event handler.

Transition.on('ready', function() {
    // Do something after initializing or loading a new page

Available events, in order in which they are triggered.

Name Parameters Description
unavailable History API is not available, transitions disabled
available History API is available, transitions enabled
ready Ready, after initializing
change url Location has changed (using popState)
before Before the start transition
start Start transition
load Load page
loaded data Page is loaded
placed content Content of the loaded page is placed in the DOM
end End transition
after After the end transition
parse items After parsing new content for items
complete Completed transition

Keyboard events

Binds keys to items. If a bound key is pressed, that item will be triggered.

 <a data-transition-key="27">Close</a>
 <a data-transition-key="37">Previous</a>
 <a data-transition-key="39">Next</a>



Name Type Description
available boolean History API availability
changing boolean Set to true before animating, to false when done
currentItem object The current clicked item
currentType object The current transition type
from string Previous location.href
location string Current location.href
items array List of all items on the page
options object Options of Transition
types object Collection of all transition types


Name Type Description
bodyClass string Class attribute of the loaded body
element jQuery object DOM element
from string Previous location.href
target jQuery object Target container
targetIsBody boolean If target container is the body
type string Transition type
url string DOM element href



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  • just_pieter-bas
  • cees.vanegmond