
1.3.0 • Public • Published


A chainstore networking module that uses bitswarm to discovery peers. This module powers the networking portion of the Bitspace.

Calls to configure will not be persisted across restarts, so you'll need to use a separate database that maps discovery keys to network configurations. The Bitdrive daemon uses Level for this.

Since chainstore has an all-to-all replication model (any shared chains between two peers will be automatically replicated), only one connection needs to be maintained per peer. If multiple connections are opened to a single peer as a result of that peer announcing many keys, then these connections will be automatically deduplicated by comparing NOISE keypairs.


npm i @web4/chainstore-networker


const Networker = require('@web4/chainstore-networker')
const Chainstore = require('@web4/chainstore')
const ram = require('random-access-memory')

const store = new Chainstore(ram)
await store.ready()

const networker = new Networker(store)

// Start announcing or lookup up a discovery key on the DHT.
await networker.configure(discoveryKey, { announce: true, lookup: true })

// Stop announcing or looking up a discovery key.
networker.configure(discoveryKey, { announce: false, lookup: false })

// Shut down the swarm (and unnanounce all keys)
await networker.close()


const networker = new Networker(chainstore, networkingOptions = {})

Creates a new SwarmNetworker that will open replication streams on the chainstore instance argument.

networkOpts is an options map that can include all bitswarm options (which will be passed to the internal swarm instance) as well as:

  id: crypto.randomBytes(32), // A randomly-generated peer ID,
  keyPair: BitProtocol.keyPair(), // A NOISE keypair that's used across all connections.
  onauthenticate: (remotePublicKey, cb) => { cb() }, // A NOISE keypair authentication hook
  swarm: bitswarm(), // A bitswarm instance to use (e.g., bitswarm-web in the browser)


The list of currently-connected peers. Each Peer object has the form:

  remotePublicKey: 0xabc..., // The remote peer's NOISE key.
  remoteAddress: '10.23.4...:8080', // The remote peer's host/port.
  type: 'tcp' | 'utp', // The connection type
  stream // The connection's BitProtocol stream

networker.on('peer-add', peer)

Emitted when a new connection has been established with peer.

networker.on('peer-remove', peer)

Emitted when peer's connection has been closed.

await networker.configure(discoveryKey, opts = {})

Join or leave the swarm with the discoveryKey argument as the topic.

If this is the first time configure has been called, the swarm instance will be created automatically.

Waits for the topic to be fully joined/left before resolving.

opts is an options map of network configuration options that can include:

  announce: true, // Announce the discovery key on the swarm
  lookup: true  // Look up the discovery key on the swarm,
  flush: true // Wait for a complete swarm flush before resolving.


Returns true if that discovery key is being swarmed.


Returns true if the swarm has discovered and attempted to connect to all peers announcing discoveryKey.


Starts listening for connections on Bitswarm's default port.

This is called automatically before the first call to configure.

await networker.close()

Shut down the swarm networker.

This will close all replication streams and then destroy the swarm instance. It will wait for all topics to be unannounced, so it might take some time.

Swarm Extensions

@chainstore/networker introduces stream-level extensions that operate on each connection. They adhere to Unichain's extension API.

const ext = await networker.registerExtension(name, { encoding, onmessage, onerror })

Registers an extension with name name.

The onmessage and onerror handlers are both optional methods. onerror is an errback, and onmessage must have the signature:

function onmessage (msg, peer) {
  // `msg` is the (optionally-decoded) message that was received from `peer`.
  // `peer` is a `Peer` object (described above in `networker.peers`)

ext.send(msg, peer)

Send msg (which will optionally be encoded by the extension's encoding opt) to peer. peer must be a Peer object taken from networker.peers or emitted by the networker's peer-add event.


Broadcast msg to all currently-connected peers.


Destroy the extension and unregister it from all connections.





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