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Use Sanity's Asset Pipeline with 11ty

Alpha Release

This project has been forked from https://github.com/brob/eleventy-plugin-sanity-image primarily as a study aid.

This plugin is a template helper to connect Sanity's Asset Pipelines to your 11ty templates for images. This is currently in early stages.


npm install @webcnz/eleventy-plugin-sanity-img

Then in your .eleventy.js file, you'll need to require this package and initialize your plugin. To initialize properly, you'll need to have a Sanity Client configured. If your project doesn't have this yet, you can read documentation here to set up.

const sanityImage = require('@webcnz/eleventy-plugin-sanity-img';
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(sanityImage, {
    client: sanityClient // This is your Sanity connection object

Once this is initialized, you've got access to 3 new shortcodes:

// Get sanity cdn URLs for your image with optional transformations
{% imageUrlFor sanityImageObject, optionalWidthValue %}
{% croppedUrlFor sanityImageObject, widthValue, heightValue %}

// Get a responsive <img> with srcset and sizes
{% responsiveImage sanityImageObject, "comma delimited list of image sizes for srcset", "html sizes attr content", "optional classes listed"}


The imageUrlFor tag will return a URL to your image on the Sanity CDN. You can pass it a width to get a specific-width image.

If you want your image to respect the crop and hotspot functionality in your Studio, be sure to pass the entire image object and not just the reference to the asset (though this will work, it just won't respect an editor's choices).


The croppedUrlFor tag will return a URL for your image on the Sanity CDN cropped to the specify width and height specified. If you.

If you want your image to respect the crop and hotspot functionality in your Studio, be sure to pass the entire image object and not just the reference to the asset (though this will work, it just won't respect an editor's choices).


The responsiveImage shortcode will return an img element with responsive srcset and sizes with properly sized images pulled from Sanity's asset pipeline.


The responsiveImage tag accepts 4 arguments

sanityImageObject (required)

The first argument in the tag is the required image object. If you want the image to respect a user's crop/hotspot in your Studio.

srcSet (optional)

The second argument in the tag is the optional srcset override. This will be a string of comma-delimited numbers: "300, 500, 800, 1000". This will create a srcset attribute with those image sizes (in pixels). The images will be returned from Sanity's asset pipeline with those widths.

sizes (optional)

The third argument is the optional sizes override. By default, the plugin assumes sizes="100vw" for maximum flexibility. There are plenty of responsive-related reasons for overriding this option. For more information on the (sometimes confusing) sizes attr, see this CSS Tricks article.

classes (optional)

If you want to add a class to the image that's being added, you can provide a final argument to add a space-delimited list of classes to go in the html class attr.




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  • martynz