
3.60.1 • Public • Published

Web IDL definitions of the web platform

This package contains Web IDL scraped from the latest versions of web platform specifications in webref, with fixes applied to ensure all definitions can be parsed and are internally consistent.


The async listAll() method resolves with an object where the keys are spec shortnames, and the values are objects with async text() and parse() methods to get the raw text and the result of parsing that with WebIDL2.parse, respectively. Example:

const idl = require('@webref/idl');

const files = await idl.listAll();
for (const [shortname, file] of Object.entries(files)) {
  const text = await file.text();
  const ast = await file.parse();
  // do something with text or ast

As a shorthand, the async parseAll() method resolves with an object where the keys are spec shortnames and the values are the result of parsing the IDL with WebIDL2.parse. Example:

const idl = require('@webref/idl');

const parsedFiles = await idl.parseAll();
for (const [shortname, ast] of Object.entries(parsedFiles)) {
  // do something with the ast


The following guarantees are provided by this package:

  • All IDL files can be parsed by the version of webidl2.js used in peerDependencies in package.json.
  • WebIDL2.validate passes with the exception of the "no-nointerfaceobject" rule about [LegacyNoInterfaceObject], which is in wide use.
  • All types are defined by some specification.
  • All extended attributes are defined by some specification.
  • No duplicate top-level definitions or members.
  • No missing or mismatched types in inheritance chains.
  • No conflicts when applying mixins and partials.

The following guarantees are not provided:

  • Extended attribute values are not validated.
  • Generally no other guarantees except the ones enforced by tests.




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  • tidoust
  • dontcallmedom
  • foolip