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0.1.0 • Public • Published

Template module

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Replace parts of the string with dynamic values.


npm install --save @wildebeest/template


It's usefull to know these libraries:

  • @wildebeest/js-modules


Part of the string that shoul be replaced has to be marked by % at the begining and also at the end. For exmample, in the strin My name is %name%" we can replace %name% for our dynemic value.

Replace parts of the string

To replace parts of the string you can use StringTemplate. Just create a new instane with a string template and then run render() method with actual dynamic data to be put inside the template.

function foo()
    let template: Template = new StringTemplate("Hallo, ma name is %name%.");
    let result: string = template.render({name: 'Hannah'});

Replace parts of the file

Sometimes a template is too big a you would like to use file to generate messages. You can replace parts of the file with dynamic data. Simular to StringTemplate, just create new instane with tha path to a file and than call render() method with corect data.

Hallo, %name%,

you order %orderNumber% is ready for pick up in our store on %street%.
function foo()
    let template: Template = new FileTemplate("path/to/file.txt");
    let result: string = template.render({name: 'Hannah', orderNumber: '111000222', street: 'Street 54'});

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npm i @wildebeest/template

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