
0.2.0 • Public • Published

WooCommerce End to End Test Utilities

This package contains utilities to simplify writing e2e tests specific to WooCommmerce.


npm install @woocommerce/e2e-utils --save



import {
} from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils';

describe( 'Cart page', () => {
	beforeAll( async () => {
		await createSimpleProduct();
	} );

	it( 'should display no item in the cart', async () => {
		await shopper.goToCart();
		await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.cart-empty', { text: 'Your cart is currently empty.' } );
	} );
} );


This package provides support for enabling retries in tests:

  • In the test environment set E2E_RETEST=1.
  • To add conditional logic to your tests use the boolean constant IS_RETEST_MODE.

Available constants


  • WP_ADMIN_LOGIN - WordPress login
  • WP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD - WordPress dashboard
  • WP_ADMIN_WP_UPDATES - WordPress updates
  • WP_ADMIN_PLUGINS - Plugin list
  • WP_ADMIN_PERMALINK_SETTINGS - Permalink settings
  • WP_ADMIN_ALL_USERS_VIEW - WordPress user list
  • WP_ADMIN_POST_TYPE - Post listing
  • WP_ADMIN_ALL_COUPONS_VIEW - Coupons list
  • WP_ADMIN_NEW_COUPON - New coupon
  • WP_ADMIN_ALL_ORDERS_VIEW - Orders list
  • WP_ADMIN_NEW_ORDER - New Order
  • WP_ADMIN_ALL_PRODUCTS_VIEW - Products list
  • WP_ADMIN_NEW_PRODUCT - New product
  • WP_ADMIN_IMPORT_PRODUCTS - Import products
  • WP_ADMIN_PLUGIN_PAGE - Plugin settings page root
  • WP_ADMIN_WC_HOME - WooCommerce home screen
  • WP_ADMIN_SETUP_WIZARD - WooCommerce setup/onboarding wizard
  • WP_ADMIN_ANALYTICS_PAGES - WooCommerce analytics page root
  • WP_ADMIN_WC_SETTINGS - WooCommerce settings page root
  • WP_ADMIN_NEW_SHIPPING_ZONE - WooCommerce new shipping zone
  • WP_ADMIN_WC_EXTENSIONS - WooCommerce extensions page
  • WP_ADMIN_PLUGIN_INSTALL - WordPress plugin install page

Front end

  • SHOP_PAGE - Shop page
  • SHOP_PRODUCT_PAGE - Single product page
  • SHOP_CART_PAGE - Cart page
  • SHOP_CHECKOUT_PAGE - Checkout page
  • SHOP_MY_ACCOUNT_PAGE - Customer account page
  • MY_ACCOUNT_ORDERS - Customer orders
  • MY_ACCOUNT_DOWNLOADS - Customer downloads
  • MY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESSES - Customer addresses
  • MY_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT_DETAILS - Customer account details

Test Functions

Merchant merchant

Function Parameters Description
collapseAdminMenu collapse Collapse or expand the WP admin menu
dismissOnboardingWizard Dismiss the onboarding wizard if present
goToOrder orderId Go to view a single order
goToProduct productId Go to view a single product
login Log in as merchant
logout Log out of merchant account
openAllOrdersView Go to the orders listing
openAllProductsView Go to the products listing
openDashboard Go to the WordPress dashboard
openNewCoupon Go to the new coupon editor
openNewOrder Go to the new order editor
openNewProduct Go to the new product editor
openPermalinkSettings Go to Settings -> Permalinks
openPlugins Go to the Plugins screen
openSettings Go to WooCommerce -> Settings
runSetupWizard Open the onboarding profiler
updateOrderStatus orderId, status Update the status of an order
openEmailLog Open the WP Mail Log page
openAnalyticsPage Open any Analytics page
openAllUsersView Open the All Users page
openImportProducts Open the Import Products page
openExtensions Go to WooCommerce -> Extensions
openWordPressUpdatesPage Go to Dashboard -> Updates
installAllUpdates Install all pending updates on Dashboard -> Updates
updateWordPress Install pending WordPress updates on Dashboard -> Updates
updatePlugins Install all pending plugin updates on Dashboard -> Updates
updateThemes Install all pending theme updates on Dashboard -> Updates
runDatabaseUpdate Runs the database update if needed

Shopper shopper

Function Parameters Description
addToCart Add an item to the cart from a single product page
addToCartFromShopPage productIdOrTitle Add an item to the cart from the shop page
fillBillingDetails customerBillingDetails Fill billing fields in checkout form using configured address
fillShippingDetails customerShippingDetails Fill shipping fields in checkout form using configured address
goToAddresses Go to My Account -> Address Details
goToAccountDetails Go to My Account -> Details
goToCart Go to the cart page
goToCheckout Go to the checkout page
goToDownloads Go to My Account -> Downloads
goToMyAccount Go to the My Account page
goToOrders Go to My Account -> Orders
goToProduct productId Go to a single product in the shop
goToShop Go to the shop page
login Log in as the shopper
logout Log out of the shopper account
placeOrder Place an order from the checkout page
productIsInCheckout productTitle, quantity, total, cartSubtotal Verify product is in cart on checkout page
removeFromCart productIdOrTitle Remove a product from the cart on the cart page
setCartQuantity productTitle, quantityValue Change the quantity of a product on the cart page
searchForProduct Searching for a product name and landing on its detail page
emptyCart Removes any products and coupons that are in the cart

REST API withRestApi

Please note: if you're using a non-SSL environment (such as a Docker container from wc-e2e) you will need to use Basic Auth in order to authenticate with the API and use the withRestApi methods listed below. To do so, you will need to install the the Basic Auth plugin. One way this can be accomplished is by adding wp plugin install https://github.com/WP-API/Basic-Auth/archive/master.zip --activate to your initialize.sh script.

Function Parameters Description
addShippingZoneAndMethod zoneName, zoneLocation, zipCode, zoneMethod, cost, additionalZoneMethods, testResponse Adds a shipping zone along with a shipping method
batchCreateOrders orders, testResponse Create a batch of orders using the "Batch Create Order" API endpoint
addTaxClasses taxClasses Add an array of tax classes if they do not exist
addTaxRates taxRates Add an array of tax rates if they do not exist
createProductCategory categoryName Create a product category with the provided name
deleteAllCoupons Permanently delete all coupons
deleteAllOrders Permanently delete all orders
deleteAllProductAttributes testResponse Permanently delete all product attributes
deleteAllProductCategories testResponse Permanently delete all product categories
deleteAllProducts Permanently delete all products
deleteAllProductTags testResponse Permanently delete all product tags
deleteAllShippingClasses testResponse Permanently delete all shipping classes
deleteAllShippingZones testResponse Permanently delete all shipping zones except the default
deleteCoupon couponId Permanently delete a coupon
deleteCustomerByEmail emailAddress Delete customer user account. Posts are reassigned to user ID 1
getSystemEnvironment Get the current environment from the WooCommerce system status API.
resetOnboarding Reset onboarding settings
resetSettingsGroupToDefault settingsGroup, testResponse Reset settings in settings group to default except select fields
updateSettingOption settingsGroup, settingID, payload Update a settings group
updatePaymentGateway paymentGatewayId, payload, testResponse Update a payment gateway


The package includes the following page specific utility class:


The AdminEdit class is the base classic custom post type post editor class. It contains the following functions:

Function Parameters Description
verifyPublish button, publishNotice, publishVerification Publish the post object currently being edited and verify publish status
getId Get the ID of the post object being edited

General Utilities

There is a general utilities object utils with the following functions:

Function Parameters Description
getSlug text Take a string name and generate the slug for it
describeIf condition Return the describe or describe.skip function when the condition is true / false
it condition Return the it or it.skip function when the condition is true / false
waitForTimeout timeout Wait for a timeout in milliseconds

Page Utilities

Function Parameters Description
addProductToOrder orderId, productName adds a product to an order using the product search
applyCoupon couponName helper method which applies a coupon in cart or checkout
clearAndFillInput selector, value Replace the contents of an input with the passed value
clickFilter selector helper method that clicks on a list page filter
clickTab tabName Click on a WooCommerce -> Settings tab
clickUpdateOrder noticeText, waitForSave Helper method to click the Update button on the order details page
completeOnboardingWizard completes the onboarding wizard with some default settings
createCoupon couponAmount, couponType creates a basic coupon. Default amount is 5. Default coupon type is fixed discount. Returns the generated coupon code.
createGroupedProduct creates a grouped product for the grouped product tests. Returns the product id.
createSimpleOrder status creates a basic order with the provided status string
createSimpleProduct creates the simple product configured in default.json. Returns the product id.
createSimpleProductWithCategory name, price,categoryName creates a simple product used passed values. Returns the product id.
createVariableProduct creates a variable product for the variable product tests. Returns the product id.
deleteAllEmailLogs deletes the emails generated by WP Mail Logging plugin
evalAndClick selector helper method that clicks an element inserted in the DOM by a script
moveAllItemsToTrash helper method that checks every item in a list page and moves them to the trash
permalinkSettingsPageSaveChanges Save the current Permalink settings
removeCoupon helper method that removes a single coupon within cart or checkout
selectOptionInSelect2 selector, value helper method that searchs for select2 type fields and select plus insert value inside
selectOrderAction action Helper method to select an order action in the Order Actions postbox
setCheckbox selector Check a checkbox
settingsPageSaveChanges Save the current WooCommerce settings page
uiUnblocked Wait until the page is unblocked
unsetCheckbox selector Uncheck a checkbox
verifyAndPublish noticeText Verify that an item can be published
verifyCheckboxIsSet selector Verify that a checkbox is checked
verifyCheckboxIsUnset selector Verify that a checkbox is unchecked
verifyPublishAndTrash button, publishNotice, publishVerification, trashVerification Verify that an item can be published and trashed
verifyValueOfInputField selector, value Verify an input contains the passed value
clickFilter selector Click on a list page filter
moveAllItemsToTrash Moves all items in a list view to the Trash
verifyAndPublish noticeText Verify that an item can be published
selectOptionInSelect2 selector, value helper method that searchs for select2 type fields and select plus insert value inside
searchForOrder value, orderId, customerName helper method that searchs for an order via many different terms
addShippingZoneAndMethod zoneName, zoneLocation, zipCode, zoneMethod util helper method for adding shipping zones with shipping methods
applyCoupon couponName helper method which applies a coupon in cart or checkout
removeCoupon helper method that removes a single coupon within cart or checkout
selectOrderAction action Helper method to select an order action in the Order Actions postbox
clickUpdateOrder noticeText, waitForSave Helper method to click the Update button on the order details page
deleteAllShippingZones Delete all the existing shipping zones
waitForSelectorWithoutThrow selector, timeoutInSeconds conditionally wait for a selector without throwing an error. Default timeout is 5 seconds
createOrder orderOptions Creates an order using the API with the passed in details
clickAndWaitForSelector buttonSelector, resultSelector, timeout Click a button and wait for response

Test Utilities

As of version 0.1.3, all test utilities from @wordpress/e2e-test-utils are available through this package.




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