A package & project manager tool, current support sub commands
wpm release 1.0.1 # explicit
wpm release patch # semver keyword
wpm release # select from prompt(s)
When run, this command does the following:
- Checkout to default branch and identifies current version and latest tag.
- Prompts for a new version.
- Create a release branch
- Modifies package metadata to reflect new release and generate changelog
- Commits those changes to release branch.
- Pushes to the git remote.
Positionals semver wpm release [major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease]
# uses the next semantic version(s) value and this skips `Select a new version for...` prompt
When this positional parameter is passed, wpm release
will skip the version selection prompt and increment the version by that keyword.
Alias: -b
Repository's default or base branch, create release based on this branch.
It is easiest (and recommended) to configure in wpm.json
, but it is possible to pass as a CLI option as well.
"commands": {
"defaultBranch": "master"
With the configuration above, the wpm release
will create release branch base master
It is always possible to override this "durable" config on the command-line. Please use with caution.
wpm release --default-branch develop
--allow-branch <glob>
A whitelist of globs that match git branches where wpm release or publish is enabled.
default is ["master", "develop"]
, It is easiest (and recommended) to configure in .wpmrc.js file, but it is possible to pass as a CLI option as well.
"allowBranch": ["master", "feature/*"]
wpm release --dry-run
wpm publish --dry-run
running with the flag --dry-run allows you to see what commands would be run, without committing to git or updating files.
You can skip any of the lifecycle steps (branch, bump, changelog, commit, push, tag), by cli, adding the following to your package.json or .rc file:
contains: branch, bump, changelog, commit, push
contains: tag, push
--skip.branch --skip.bump
// package.json
"wpm": {
"skip": {
"bump": true
// .wtpmrc.js
module.exports = {
"skip": {
"bump": true
Release branch name format used to create branch, default is release-v{{version}}
Set a custom prefix for the git tag to be created, default is v
If the tags in your project were named without a prefix (v) in the past, you need to set it to empty, otherwise, the changelog will rebuild, and will be lost past versions
tagPrefix: ""
A URL representing the issue format (allowing a different URL format to be * swapped in for Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc)
default is https//at.worktile.com/agile/items/{{id}}
Read the CHANGELOG from this file, default is CHANGELOG.md
List of preset see conventional-changelog, by default, release use angular preset
If you want to commit generated artifacts in the release commit, you can use the --commit-all
or -a
flag. You will need to stage the artifacts you want to commit, so your release command could look like this:
"prerelease": "npm run build-docs",
"release": "git add <file(s) to commit> && wpm release -commit-all"
wpm supports lifecycle hooks. These allow you to execute your own supplementary commands during the release or publish. The following hooks are available and execute in the order documented:
- prerelease/postrelease: executed before/after anything happens. If the prerelease script returns a non-zero exit code, versioning will be aborted, but it has no other effect on the process.
- prebump/postbump: executed before and after the version is bumped. If the prebump script returns a version #, it will be used rather than the version calculated by standard-version.
- prechangelog/postchangelog: executes before and after the CHANGELOG is generated.
- precommit/postcommit: called before and after the commit step.
- pretag/posttag: called before and after the tagging step.
Simply add the following to your package.json or .wtpmrc file to configure lifecycle hooks:
"wpm": {
"hooks": {
"prebump": "echo 9.9.9"
As an example to build artifacts before publish, publish artifacts to npm after created tag.
"wpm": {
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"postpublish": "cd built && npm publish"
wpm publish
When run, this command does the following:
- Checkout to default branch
- Create a tag which named as current version base default branch
- Pushes to the git remote.
Git Publish
wpm git-publish
When run, this command does the following:
- Create temp folder and copy source (build artifacts) to temp
- Git init temp and commit
- Create a release tag
- Pushes temp and tags to the git remote.
需要同步到 Repo 的制品文件夹,一般是 built 文件夹
发布类库在git上仓储的名称,比如你发布的仓储叫 example
,那么 name 就需要传 example
Git 传输协议,支持 https
和 ssh
, 默认是 ssh
发布仓储的目标服务,目前支持 git
组织或者用户在 provider 上的名称,会根据 provider
生成 Remote URL。
provider: github
protocol: ssh
name: example
organization: worktile
生成的 Remote URL: git@github.com:worktile/example.git
provider: github
protocol: https
name: example
organization: worktile
生成的 Remote URL: https://github.com/worktile/example
Build (Early Draft)
wpm build
When run, this command does the following:
- Run
- Sync
's files to output exclude *.ts
Build SDK (Early Draft)
wpm build-sdk
When run, this command does the following:
- Run
bundle entry file - Sync
to output path
Create (Early Draft)
wpm create <PROJECT_NAME>
When run, this command does the following:
- Generate
folder and scaffolding codes - Install all node_modules run
npm install