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Launch System WebView on Android Emulator and Android Device. A Karma plugin.


pnpm add @wtto00/karma-android-launcher -D
# yarn add @wtto00/karma-android-launcher -D
# npm i @wtto00/karma-android-launcher -D



// use android emulator
module.exports = function (config) {
    // ...
    hostname: "", // emulator can use a fixed IP:
    browsers: ["AndroidEmulator"],
    captureTimeout: 1200000,
    browserDisconnectTimeout: 60000,
    browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000,
    plugins: [
      // ...
// use connected device
const ip = require("ip");
module.exports = function (config) {
    // ...
    hostname: ip.address(), // The connected device needs to use a local network IP address.
    browsers: ["AndroidDevice"],
    captureTimeout: 1200000,
    browserDisconnectTimeout: 60000,
    browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000,
    plugins: [
      // ...

You can also customize the Android version to use, but it is best to install the image in advance because the installation process is very time-consuming and may result in test timeouts and failure.

// Custom Android version emulator
const customLaunchers = {
  // Minimum support for Android 5.0.
  android_emulator_5: {
    base: "AndroidEmulator", // Here define the use of an Android emulator.
    avdName: "android_emulator_21", // The name of this custom emulator
    apiLevel: 21, // Define Android SDK version here.
    // ... More parameters can be found in the description below.
module.exports = function (config) {
    // ...
    hostname: "", // emulator can use a fixed IP:
    browsers: ["android_emulator_5"],
    captureTimeout: 1200000,
    browserDisconnectTimeout: 60000,
    browserNoActivityTimeout: 300000,
    plugins: [
      // ...

Parameters for customize emulator

Name Type Notes
avdName string Name of the simulator to be created.
apiLevel number The minimum supported Android SDK version is 21, which corresponds to Android 5.0.
arch string The CPU architecture of the system image used by the simulator. It is default to the CPU architecture of the current system.
target string The target of the system image is usually 'default' or 'google_apis'. The default is 'default'.
image string The Android image to be used. For example: system-images;android-34;google_apis;x86_64. If this image parameter is present, the apiLevel, arch, and target parameters will be ignored. Otherwise, the value of this parameter will be constructed based on the apiLevel, arch, and target parameters.
adb string adb executable file, relative to the ANDROID_HOME path. Default is: platform-tools/adb.
avdmanager string avdmanager is an executable file relative to the ANDROID_HOME path. The default path is cmdline-tools/latest/bin/avdmanager.
sdkmanager string sdkmanager executable file, relative to the ANDROID_HOME path. The default path is: cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager.
emulator string emulator is an executable file relative to the ANDROID_HOME path. The default value is emulator/emulator.
emulatorOptions object Parameters for starting the emulator

Parameters for starting the emulator

Name Type Notes
noWindow boolean disable graphical window display
noSnapshot boolean perform a full boot and do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage
noSnapstorage boolean do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)
noSnapshotUpdateTime boolean do not try to correct snapshot time on restore
noSnapshotSave boolean do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state
noSnapshotLoad boolean do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot
cameraBack "emulated"
set emulation mode for a camera facing back
cameraFront 'emulated'
set emulation mode for a camera facing front
gpu 'auto'
set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode
nocache boolean disable the cache partition
noaudio boolean disable audio support
noBootAnim boolean disable animation for faster boot
lowram boolean device is a low ram device
restartWhenStalled boolean Allows restarting guest when it is stalled.
waitForDebugger boolean Pause on launch and wait for a debugger process to attach before resuming
httpProxy string make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy
cores number Set number of CPU cores to emulator
wipeData boolean reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)
noPassiveGps boolean disable passive gps updates
... ... use 'emulator --help' for more information.

Usage for Github Action

You can refer to the configuration file of this project test.yml.

The browser name used in matrix.config.targetBrowser needs to be defined in your own karma configuration before it can be used.

Then you can use process.env[TARGET_BROWSER] in karma to get the currently used browser.


  1. The version of WebView in the Android system.
    • Android 5.0 Lollipop (WebView version 44)
    • Android 5.1 Lollipop (WebView version 45)
    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow (WebView version 46)
    • Android 7.0 Nougat (WebView version 51)
    • Android 7.1 Nougat (WebView version 52)
    • Android 8.0 Oreo (WebView version 60)
    • Android 8.1 Oreo (WebView version 61)
    • Android 9.0 Pie (WebView version 67)
    • Android 10 (WebView version 69)
    • Android 11 (WebView version 85)

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  • wtto00